Did you take a pic of your crystals moonbathing? ;)


That's an interesting idea :) I can't really get the image light enough to see anything much... be a guess at best to ID anything... either milky quartz or mangano calcite?? Apache tears?


sorry... I didn't mean to put a dampener on this thread but it stalled after my comment... I always monnbathe mine, just have to figure out how to get decent pics :)


sorry... I didn't mean to put a dampener on this thread but it stalled after my comment... I always monnbathe mine, just have to figure out how to get decent pics :)

Ha no worries! I can't get great pics either but somehow there's something fun about showing when we put our crystals out in the moonlight. :) Like "I was there!" Or more accurately, the crystalls were there. And SOMEtimes we can accurately guess what crystals are what! ;) My favorite part is trying to catch moonlight reflection. One time I cheated with a mirror and other times (of the two times I've ever done this!) I was able to get reflections im some of the crystals themselves. :)


Supermoon (largest since 1948) will be tonight, Nov. 14th 2016. Even thiugh it's raining where I am and will be for several days, I just put my main crystals out on the balcony to be cleaned and charged in the rain, wind and moonlight. Anyone else taking advantage of the Supermoon?