9 Deniers - How it may be read


In my Grimaud deck, 9 Deniers shows 2+2+2+2+1; there are 4 sets of 2s separated by two flowers that will bloom, and it may suggest that a new cycle is about to begin; these two flowers are of opposite color - active (red) and passive (blue) and they divide each set of 2; now 2s are passive, duality, conflict - 4 sets of passivity, duality, and conflict separated by 1, unity, which is alone, lonely in the center, or rather it is the center of it all.

Perhaps this card says that duality and conflict in active/passive manner are meditated or guided by the unity that holds everything together and sets it appart in both passive (above) and active (below) to initiate a new cycle; as the colors interchange (red/blue/red/blue etc) there is a sense of ying/yang in this card, of balancing and mediating, of completion and beginning in the realm of finances, health, home, and time.

This is my interpretation based on several ideas I devised mainly from the masters here at AT forum and other sources.



All the nines carry a sense of accomplishment and independence for me. This card has the stability of the eight, but is not as rigid. There is more space between the coins, and it doesn't feel so stifling.

In my noblet, I am struck by how big the flowers are on this card compared with others. It lends a real feeling of extravagance, I think. I think of rich food, fine wine and a harbour view when I see this card. It's having everything you need, and then some.

On the other hand, I keep focusing on that lone coin in the middle. It looks isolated. There isn't much togetherness here. I imagine a wealthy philanthropist who gives money away but remains anonymous, so he won't be disturbed by well-wishes and thanks.

I consider all the nines to represent expertise, and in this case it would be expertise on a material level. It could stand for someone who is very good at making things, a master craftsman. Or someone who is very good at investing.


Taking a slightly different approach to reading this card than I have in the past, and I'm looking at the multiples of coins and the way the foliage is telling us what the coins could mean. For example the Eight of Coins suggests regular, periodic saving of money, the Nine of Coins suggests a point where some concentration on finances is happening, or even withdrawal of money, and the Ten suggests an increased balance, flourishing! But that's just today and how I'm relating the coins to money and savings. Still, the foliage is working with the coins to say something different in each card.

So by this method the Nine of Coins could being saying that its time to concentrate on a financial issue at the moment.

Here's the Hadar:



Nine round things ~

...nines represent the ending of all that has a beginning, a beginning of that which shall end, representative of temporal time, of our mortality.


...like nine full moons, the ninth is the baby in the belly centre, and down below, the dilated mandorla ready to give birth...

an awakening, a birth, a coming forth, a rising out of; a reminder of our mortality, the miracle of birth or rebirth... something demaning your complete attention, involves your whole being...

The visual associations echo my system association of the card with the moon and trump XX, as tabulated here:



Interesting sequence

Hi Moonbow,

The Hadar deck is very beautiful and it shows that, at least in this sequence you posted, the deniers come together in the last card.

In Grimaud, as I lay down the entire sequence, I see in each card the deniers isolated by flowers and/or foliage, with exception of 7 (2 coins on the top), 9 (4 sets of 2), and 10 (where the top and bottom 3 are together, making an inverted design of the 6).

Anyway, the point being that in this card, the 4 sets of 2s are isolated and not each deniers singled out, as it is the pattern for this suit. That single, isolated coin in the middle, as Papercut pointed out, to me is an indication of, or maybe a connection with L'Hermite - loneliness, searching amidst wealth? Perhaps the picture in the R/W deck, even though I don't like to connect it to TdM, I have to admit that the depiction of a woman alone in her garden seem to a good description for this card: alone amidst an abundance of materiality (be it flower, people, money), and the flowers that are about to bloom show that there is an awareness of the situation, perhaps, as Kwaw said, the readiness to move on to another level, to end the actual cycle.


I've interpreted the 9s in a number of ways, and they've all 'worked'. A recent way of seeing them, which I give here, also seems to be proving satisfactory....for me and the deck I'm using (Spanish Tarot).

9 Deniers/coins:
This is as good as it gets. It won't last long (unless other cards extend the length), so now's the best time to 'cash in' or conclude a deal, or stash something safely away. I find there's an element of 'protection' with the nines, so whatever you have now is ripe for using or preserving wisely. Rainy weather follows the nines which may nourish further growth or wash away that which you already have.

If this card appears 'negatively', then this is as bad as it gets. You have the time to get a full grasp of your assests/debts, make an inventory, know exactly where you stand.

In either case, this is the high point of current conditions.

Bee :)