"Deactivating" a deck



There is a deck I would like to use for reference and I would like to deactivate them so they are just cards. Any ideas on the best way to do this, or is there a certain method? Or not :D


They are just cards. What can be done with them comes from the user. Use them for reference and they will offer the information you need.


I once knew a very unpleasant man who "deactivated" all the old photographs of one of his daughters (who had married a man of a different ethnic background) by going through and cutting her face out of all the old family photos. Not, of course, that I'd recommend that in your case . . . as Gregory says, cards are only active when you're actually using them; the rest of the time they're just inert pieces of cardboard. if you stick them in a deep, dark drawer and take them out only for reference purposes, I don't think they'll hold that against you!

ana luisa

Put the cards in order, air them out and only use them after a while. And only for reference as was suggested.


Personally, I would probably speak to the deck, thanking it for its service and explaining what its new role is. And then I would probably do one last reading with it, asking how it feels and if this new role is welcome. But that's just me.


They only have meaning if you give them meaning.

My daughter and I play Go Fish with the RWS deck and my deck from BOTA. They are "deactivated" when we do this. At least, I think they are deactivated. We don't look for any spiritual guidance while playing.


What did you do to "activate" them? :confused:



There is a deck I would like to use for reference and I would like to deactivate them so they are just cards. Any ideas on the best way to do this, or is there a certain method? Or not :D

Cards are always just cards. The magic of how Tarot works comes from inside you. The cards are just printed pieces of cardboard that YOU connect with inside to create magical results.

Imo, a lot of this connection... comes from intuition. So on those rare occasions where I don't want to use my intuition, I just decide to use the straight book meanings for whatever comes up.

But imo. it's not about deaactivating the cards, but about deactivating (temporarily turning off) the part of yourself that is connecting to something deep within the cards.




There is a deck I would like to use for reference and I would like to deactivate them so they are just cards. Any ideas on the best way to do this, or is there a certain method? Or not :D

I always just let the batteries run out and never put my Tarot deck back on the re-charger - it takes a long time to wear the batteries out (they are very very thin but usually long-lasting), so be patient- because if you pick up the deck before they are deactivated it automatically starts them up again - like those self-winding wristwatches from the 1960s ....