Legacy of the Divine - The Chariot


The Chariot
Legacy’s Chariot is one of my favorite cards in the deck. I just like it more than either RWS’s or Thoth’s Chariots. Astrologically speaking, Cancer rules the Fourth House which is the house of one’s home and one’s conveyances. The symbolism of the Chariot is pretty obviously referencing the conveyances side of this House. Still, I have seen Chariot mean a remodel or home renovation in some readings.

RWS’s Charioteer is a serious-looking fellow and his sphynxes look bored to me. Thoth’s Charioteer is a mysterious, otherworldly fellow lost in mediation. Marchetti’s Charioteer just seems to be having a lot more fun and getting where she’s going a lot faster than either of those two. If this were a chariot race I would certainly put my money on LotD’s Chariot to win!

Marchetti’s depiction of actual horses, to me, expresses the true essence of this card. LotD Chariot reminds me of Gurdjieff’s parable of the Horse, the Driver, and the Carriage. In this parable, the carriage is said to be the physical body, the horses one’s emotions, and the reins are the mind. The Driver? That is for you to work out. It would take too long to explain it here. The fact that she carries a magic staff to light her way is congruent with Gurdjieff’s parable and offers some hints as to the Driver’s identity. Watery, moonstruck, Cancer is all about the emotions, so I find the LotD Chariot to be a lovely expression of the parable of the Horse, the Driver, and the Carriage. I personally never understood the sphynxes.

In closing, I find this Chariot to be a perfect pre-courser to Strength. In Thoth, the progression would be from Chariot to Justice, yet I think the progression of Chariot to Strength tells us that getting our conflicting emotions under intelligent control and right direction leads to spiritual strength. I love it when one card segues so nicely into the next.
~Natasya Katsikaris