Court Cards, Sensuality and Sexuality


WalesWoman said:
This is interesting.

For some reason my thoughts for Pentacles would be more earthy than decadant or hedonistic, maybe it would be a Knight rather than a King or Queen Pents. Because I was thinking these are the ones who have no artifice, enjoy the sensations, don't mind the sweat and all that, but aren't all that creative or into making the ambience romantic, anywhere is fine... just sort of do it and then ask you to pull their finger afterwards. I guess there aren't any Pig Courts. Anyway I was thinking of the Bull in the China shop sorts, sweet, loving, but bumbling and not very fastidious. Maybe I've been hanging out with the outdoorsy "manly men" types too long. LOL (Speaking of which, there is a soap called "Manly man" and it smells like old sweat and gym socks.) :p

Oh Contraire!!! Body heat is a bonus on winter nights, but wands like to snuggle because it feels so good and says I love you without having to say the words, similar to cat's purring. And like a cat they can be affectionate or be just fine on their own... it all depends on what mood they are in.
As a Wand, BFLO's and sweet-intuition's descriptions sort of fits, except wands are too very romantic and horny, romance is what keeps the fires hot, not just the hormone levels.
I think Wands are Lovers first and friends second. Swords are the other way round... they want a friend who is also their lover.
My personal assessment of a Page of Wands is similar to kids just entering puberty and wondering what the hell is going on when they get their first erection, etc. So there is much self indulgence and self gratification in their discoveries. This and the Knight would be the most promiscuous I think of all the courts... except maybe the Knight of Cups.
I think the Knight of Wands would probably have a "hair trigger" as well as being trigger happy, fun to be with, but not to expect a long term romance with, tho' he'd love to be friends always and come back for seconds, just not commit to more than that.

That's all I can think of right now.

I like that. Wands = lovers first and friends second. While Pentables are the other way around. Perhaps, Cups are like the Pentacles and Swords like the Wands in that theory as well.