Two of Wands as Feelings


2 wands

"Sometimes, as in Druidcraft, it's a gateway to another world and what it takes to cross into it... desire." Waleswoman

2 is the High Priestess path
Gimel in hebrew.Gimel is a camel who crosses the abyss(desert) from higher to lower realms
It is a gatecard and you need the desire to cross it,when you are ready

"Wands has so much to do with creativity and creating, not so much the inspiration which would be found in two cups, but the drive."

The 2nd sphere is Chockmah in Qabalah,which is about Creation ,drive, fire ,inventive spirit.


I see it as restlessness or perhaps chronic dissatisfaction. Seems you cannot just sit back and relax with what you have accomplished, your eye is always on "the next" thing


Could that card also be that feeling when you're fired up inside from something (ace~whether it's a job/hobby/person),we all know that feeling :),and instead of being stuck there thinking 'what if' start thinking 'why not'....another way is when you dont really think about yourself very much,then something/one flips that trigger inside(ace).....and then you do...i hope that makes sense.


HerzogIsGod said:
I see it as restlessness or perhaps chronic dissatisfaction. Seems you cannot just sit back and relax with what you have accomplished, your eye is always on "the next" thing
I like that, and agree. You'll notice that in all the other "2" cards (I'm talking classic Rider-Waite images here) *both* of the objects are held. Juggling the two pents, trying to compromise the weight of two swords, sharing the two cups. Only in 2/Wands is only one in hand and the person gazing away from the other. Which fits Herzog's observation. This isn't just about "2's" it's about wands. And wands, all fire and passion, want to do. They don't want to wait. So even in this "2" which, as Sulis says, is a number of pausing (and they are paused, holding their wand, gazing forward), they still have acted, and still want to move on.

The truth is, none of the other 2's want to make a decision. All of them want that pause so that they can hold onto both for a moment. 2/Pents thinks he can juggle both finances, 2/Swords thinks she can keep the swords from fighting for supremacy, 2/Cups wants this moment of emotional balance and harmony to continue on--Only the 2/Wands says, "I haven't the energy for both. I'll go for this one--" and then uses that pause to focus down and consider what he'll do with it. Wands don't look back (as the next card shows, always looking out and forward), don't regret (you're not going to get a dissatisfied 4/Cups here). In fact, the more things develop from this 2/Wands decision, the more invested the person will be in it. He'll hold the fort all by himself in the 9/Wands, giving it the last of his energy.

So, I think, in the end, that 2/wands is not only that drive, that restless feeling of "okay, done, what's next?" that Herzog mentions, but also that feeling of giving that decision your entire focus (a focus that, a moment ago, was split between the two wands). Maybe those moments make you nervous, or excited. Or maybe they make you start planning out all the things you'll need like creating a grocery list for dinner ;) But whatever the 2/Wands is about, romance, friendship, business, I think there is a feeling of "Decided!" followed by a moment of stillness where, turning from the other decision, you commit to this new direction.


sonjie said:
I see this card a lot as an answer to how someone feels. This is not strictly a romantic thing. I'd like to understand it on several levels: romance, friendship and business.

Does it make sense to say that someone might feel that now you're there, a part of their life/plans, and they're seeing where exactly you fit in?

I get confused because to me it doesn't feel that there's a choice to be made, but more like one has been made. That person has picked, it's that moment right between choosing your path and setting off on it. But how does that translate into feelings? I've heard it describe as a card that shows wanting more. Wanting to move forward with things.
Thirteen said:
You'll notice that in all the other "2" cards (I'm talking classic Rider-Waite images here) *both* of the objects are held. Juggling the two pents, trying to compromise the weight of two swords, sharing the two cups. Only in 2/Wands is only one in hand and the person gazing away from the other.
Also, since Wands are about ego and will, the single wand in the man's hand in these images gives the feeling that while two singular egos or wills are coming together to form the Two, each of the wands represents only one person's will or ego--the one the man is holding onto--so the decision to meld these wills/egos is what is on the table when the Two of Wands appears. In that way, the "meaning" of the Two of Wands signifying a waiting period is appropriate, because until that waiting and deciding time is completed, the seeker can't move to the Three of Wands--or the melded co-operation of the two wills/egos.


Thank you for all the replies. It really helps to get your opinions to pin this card down.

I'm starting to get the aspect of wanting more with this card. Whether it is wanting more of what you have, to take what you have to the next level or something else completely that seems better remains to be seen. I do think there is potential in this card. Wands in general carry a lot of potential as I see them.

The crazy thing with this card is that it's been stalking me in my readings regarding all parts of my life, often paired with the King of Wands (I think I know who this is, but I can't be sure). In some readings I've started to see the Three of Wands pop up, hopefully things are moving toward a more concrete level. Not sure any of that belongs in this thread really, just sharing.

Interesting little bit- just got the Two of Wands in reply to what will happen between a romantic interest and myself...the same card I got when I asked what will happen between himself and the other woman in the picture. Haha. Maybe this is a very "want to have your cake and eat it too" type thing. Guess there's still a bit of time to go before the situation evolves enough.

As Fostha is saying, there's a lot to ponder. Oddly my life seems to be on pause while there's a whole lotta pondering.

Thanks again all!

Hey I know this post is old but I wanted to know if you ever found out what the 2&3 of Wands plus the King were trying to tell you? I am currently being hounded by the same 3 and not getting it at all!