Judgement: feelings towards someone


I'm responding to an older thread that seems to have been revived.

There was a period where I got the Judgement card repeatedly for my feelings towards my ex and I always guessed it meant I would come to a realization of sorts and let go of the memories.

"Wake up call" is how I would now best define the judgment card in relation to feelings. A "wake up call" can have both negative and positive associations, I believe. It's like the sound of an alarm clock that wakes you up at 6 a.m. in the morning. You may wake up feeling 'grateful' the alarm reminded you it was time to get up, otherwise you would have slept in half the morning and been late to work. Conversely, the wake up could feel like a 'rude awakening'. You may have still felt half asleep when you woke and not quite ready for the wake up call. Or might even feel angry and want to throw the alarm clock across the room! Heaven forbid....

I think these kind of reactions could also apply to someone's feelings toward another if we think of the alarm clock as the other. Here are some possibilities:

1. this person might be grateful to the other who finally enabled them to come to a realization. This person is grateful that they have been given a message to wake up. Otherwise they would have otherwise forgotten to wake up or not remembered they needed to wake up. This person would therefore be happy. :)

On the other hand,

2. this person could also feel that this realization was a 'rude awakening'. This person did not want to be woken up so early! They were happy to remain asleep and consequently resentful that they were awaken by another. Consequently, this person might be unhappy with the person who reminded them of these feelings. Even angry? Or seek revenge (wanting to throw the alarm clock or some other heavy object at the person (that other person better duck?) Could this person be looking to get back at the other (or be seeking revenge) because they were woken up? :|

In the second case, I could see how it possibly could be interpreted as vengeful feelings. I would guess that would be the reversed or negative association of the card. Interesting card.

ana luisa

sometimes it shows as being judgmental to the point of embarrassing the partner.