*sigh* I Can't Seem To Stop!


Bad Chronata! I was waiting for that oracle deck you were creating ... and minors for the other two decks.

Put down the ATC cards and go back to that.

Tsk Tsk Tsk Shakes head. I don't know what we're going to do with you ...

...although they ARE pretty neat ... No, No! Bad jackdaw*! Bad Chronata!


I agree they are very nice!! but stamps her feet in dismay - All Hallow Deck 1st!!


yay! I hope you continue to fall prey to this sickness, because I always love your tarot cards! I love the High priestess, but they are all wonderful!!! :D


[size=+2]BAD BAD 'GIRL' Chronata! }) [/size]

need to finish those decks i'm waiting for.then i can start saving for the new ones LOL!:D

stop that OCD creation!! (Obsesive Compulsive Deck Creation) addiction of yours!!

now back to work! :p


nicki said:
Bad Chronata, U must finish the All Hallows Deck 1st cause I want it, then you may carry on creating other fabulous decks I can spend my hard earned money on!!!


I'll third it. ;)


Eraserqueen said:
yay! I hope you continue to fall prey to this sickness, because I always love your tarot cards! I love the High priestess, but they are all wonderful!!! :D

Don't encourage her...yet.
She must finish the All Hallow's (and preferably the Midnight Masquerade) first!


chronata any upfates? how many new ones so far? how's the Hollow and MMasque??


Indigo Rose

Chronata said:
What is this deck making thing....a sickness?...an obsession? a good way to waste time? :D

No, it's a gift!

~Thank you for sharing it!~



I can't think of anything discouraging to say as your obsession results is such fresh and whimsical tarot images. The High Priestess is especially lovely.

I wonder though if you could harness this obsession and use the urge to make quicker tarot images as a way to get started working on the cards that are not coming along so quickly on your other projects.



Picasso had this problem too. Creating, creating, compulsively filling the world with images . . .

and I happen to be someone who LOVES it all.

Now about that Midnight Masquerade deck . . . I've been off the boards almost a whole year and you're not done with it YET?!

I'm pouting.