Reed International Publishing (Thundercat) Conver


Hi all, does anyone know what the history behind the 1994 Reed International Books facsimile of the 1760 Conver deck is please? It seems to have been made with more worn plates, resembling the deck from the late 1800s at the British Museum, but with a few cards redrawn.

As the plates were carved with multiple sets on cards on each, I wouldn't expect it would be possible to lose the carving for a couple of cards, unless they were somehow damaged but this doesn't appear to be the case. So presumably a few of the cards had been lost. The question is were the replacement cards were created at the time or were they created by Reed International?



After a little digging, it would appear that the cards i thought were 'redrawn' or 'replacements' are not. I checked the Camoin version of the Conver deck that used the existing wooden blocks and the line drawings are exactly the same, bar a few worn places. So assuming that Camoin did indeed use the real Conver plates, it would appear that over time, as the plates wore down, a few of the cards on the blocks have been recut/re-engraved to make the image more visible - thus explaining the differences from the facsimile decks from the 1800s and 1900s.