Justice rx = karma?


Could the Justice card reversed be considered a karmic face slap?


I take justice upright as meaning the karma and the slap in return. When i see the card in reversed i think at the injustice and the amount of coruption and lies...The person that gets this card rx might actually have law problems and in the situation of being accused even if not guilty.. I think that the combination that means the karmic reward is wheel of fortune and justice... together they tell me that the person in cause (whatever he did) will eventually pay his/her mistakes.


I think Justice both ways can represent Karma. The upright card is the consequences of something that happened or someone did. The reversed is not being accountable or accepting it. It's blaming others and not taking responsibility! But it can also be really being unfair on yourself and beating yourself up, not everything is simply black and white. Justice in the card is impartial and balanced and now your view or decisions are not balanced or impartial. This can also show unfair legal decisions or complications. Things seem unfair


I'm in agreement with Puffette. When a card is reversed, it means, to me, that the energy of that card is blocked. Justice is all about balance, and so reversed would say that balance can't be achieved. There is injustice. So, rather than Karma being served, it's being blocked.

And I also agree with Puffette's assessment that everyone should be on the look out for lies, corruption, bribes, etc. If you're being slapped, that's the slap. Wake up! there are deals happening under the table here; they're going to pin the blame on an innocent, use the courts to greedily steal what rightfully belongs to one person and give it to their enemy.

Injustice is being done! Expose it! Stop it! Turn that card around. That's the "slap" of this card. ;)


OK, I understand what you are all talking about. The reason I asked is there is someone I have been having issues with (lies, rumors, accusations, etc) and about a week after I bought myself a new/used car him and his wife bought one almost exactly like it. Well the last couple of days their car hasn't been at work, even though they have been. I am guessing there is something wrong with the car and they haven't been able to get it fixed. While the car problems aren't necessarily the same as what he has been doing to me, it is hitting him where he lives...he is very money obsessed. I was seeing it as - they were jealous/envious of the car I got so they put out the money to get a similar one, and now they are having problems with it. I would have expected the reversed Chariot for car problems, but the reversed Justice kinda suggested to me that they/he is having a bit of the bite of karma for being a douche.


While the car problems aren't necessarily the same as what he has been doing to me, it is hitting him where he lives...
Ah, I see. You might be right then, in a way. The card could be saying that injustices he'd been doing to you are being visited on him—i.e. that something unfair is occurring to him in a similar way to how it occurred to you. IF he is having car trouble. (You say you are guessing that they're having car trouble...do you know this for a fact?)

Of course, the card could also be saying that his injustices (lies, rumors, etc.) are likely to continue. Car problems probably won't be enough to teach him a lesson or get him to stop. So, even if you are right about the car problems, you might be seeing what you want in Justice rx, rather than the real message.

Sometimes, the universe dispenses justice through our hands (if, for example, we know things about someone and can set the record straight). It's important to recognize that, and not think that karma is always happenstance or bad/good luck, as if we were powerless and only the universe could right such wrongs. WE are part of the universe. And sometimes, we are it's agents toward restoring the balance.

Maybe you have more power to turn this card around than you think?


Sometimes, the universe dispenses justice through our hands (if, for example, we know things about someone and can set the record straight). It's important to recognize that, and not think that karma is always happenstance or bad/good luck, as if we were powerless and only the universe could right such wrongs. WE are part of the universe. And sometimes, we are it's agents toward restoring the balance.

And how true is that, whether we know it or not? nice one
Our direct conscious actions and our unconscious ones too sort it a lot of the time


Like Puffette said, it can definitely be about being in a legal situation where the guilty get away with a crime or where someone who is innocent is being prosecuted as guilty. For me this is the biggest meaning of Justice rx in a general context.

Justice is also about balance, so reversed Justice is about imbalance.

My own personal belief is that no one should act as Lady Justice. Meaning that if you know someone has committed a crime or injustice, it's not up to you to act as their judge and issue a payment or penalty. You could very well being the one in that situation as being justice reversed. For example, if someone steals from you, do not steal something of theirs trying to make it fair. Justice is less of a physical person and more of a vast network of spiritual energy that balances itself out behind the scenes. Just look at that curtain behind Lady Justice? Whatever is behind that curtain is where the karmic retributions work themselves out. You can't see it, but it's there.

I think the Judgement card is more representative of karma, though Justice also reverberates karmic principles.


Ah, I see. You might be right then, in a way. The card could be saying that injustices he'd been doing to you are being visited on him—i.e. that something unfair is occurring to him in a similar way to how it occurred to you. IF he is having car trouble. (You say you are guessing that they're having car trouble...do you know this for a fact?)

Of course, the card could also be saying that his injustices (lies, rumors, etc.) are likely to continue. Car problems probably won't be enough to teach him a lesson or get him to stop. So, even if you are right about the car problems, you might be seeing what you want in Justice rx, rather than the real message.

Sometimes, the universe dispenses justice through our hands (if, for example, we know things about someone and can set the record straight). It's important to recognize that, and not think that karma is always happenstance or bad/good luck, as if we were powerless and only the universe could right such wrongs. WE are part of the universe. And sometimes, we are it's agents toward restoring the balance.

Maybe you have more power to turn this card around than you think?

I definitely have information that would stop him in his tracks but the situation isn't so dire that it would require me to provide the information to anyone. What I have could, effectively, ruin his marriage and I have no interest in doing that. Too many people would be hurt and it would be childish and vindictive of me to do that. I do know that the majority of the people who have heard the rumors and lies don't believe them (at least the ones who know me know better) and there have been a couple who have believed it and have been set straight by people who know the truth.

As for the car...they have 2 vehicles, a Jeep that broke down (hence needing a new car) and the SAAB they bought a little over a month ago. One of the things he used to always complain about is how much money she spends and how they couldn't afford another/second car. When the Jeep broke down it was about 2 weeks before their wedding and 2 week honeymoon in Hawaii, so having to put out the money for a vehicle probably cut into their savings/honeymoon money. As I said, their car hadn't been at work the last couple of days even though they were at work and the Jeep wasn't there either...so no, I don't know for sure that they are having car problems but work is about 5 miles from where they live so I don't imagine they are walking or riding bikes or something to work (especially since they work nights). Something is up though and yeah, I guess I am hoping it is a bit of karmic payback for him being a jerk. As for him continuing to lie about me, all he is succeeding in doing that is showing how immature he is so I'm not going to fret about it anymore.


Like Puffette said, it can definitely be about being in a legal situation where the guilty get away with a crime or where someone who is innocent is being prosecuted as guilty. For me this is the biggest meaning of Justice rx in a general context.

Justice is also about balance, so reversed Justice is about imbalance.

My own personal belief is that no one should act as Lady Justice. Meaning that if you know someone has committed a crime or injustice, it's not up to you to act as their judge and issue a payment or penalty. You could very well being the one in that situation as being justice reversed. For example, if someone steals from you, do not steal something of theirs trying to make it fair. Justice is less of a physical person and more of a vast network of spiritual energy that balances itself out behind the scenes. Just look at that curtain behind Lady Justice? Whatever is behind that curtain is where the karmic retributions work themselves out. You can't see it, but it's there.

I think the Judgement card is more representative of karma, though Justice also reverberates karmic principles.

Yep...I would be the innocent being prosecuted but I don't care anymore. Let him yak all he wants, he isn't getting anyone to believe him or change their opinion of me. I think that now he is just kind of stewing about it and trying to figure out why everyone still likes me? Ummm, maybe because I am a NICE person who doesn't try to hurt other people! Hard to believe this man is 45 years old...he acts like a 12 year old sometimes.