The Magician, 7 Swords (Rx), The Moon (Rx)


Hi everyone,
This reading is regarding an incident that happened at work with a specific individual, which has affected our ability to collaborate. I am not a person who gets into conflicts with others, and I try my best to please everyone, but I’ve managed to make myself look as if I’m not responsible and this individual is not very flexible or forgiving.

I've used the 'turning things around spread', that involves 6 cards. These are the cards that really stumped me. I used the Anna K deck.

Position 1. What am I sad about? The Magician.
Position 3: What or where can I find the motivation to move past it? 7 Swords (reversed)
Position 5: What uplifting advice or guidance can cards give me? The Moon (reversed)

The Magician: I am sad because I’ve failed in something that I know I should be doing well, or of failing to be liked by others.

7 Swords reversed: One interpretation I found is to consult friends about it. Would you think this is suitable? I find it hard to understand, though, how it relates to the 7 Swords that shows 'betrayal'.

The Moon reversed: Is it telling me to not be overcome by my fear and take action (talk to this person)? What is your take on that?

Thank you so much in advance! _/\_


I used the Anna K deck.

Position 1. What am I sad about? The Magician.
Position 3: What or where can I find the motivation to move past it? 7 Swords (reversed)
Position 5: What uplifting advice or guidance can cards give me? The Moon (reversed)
I can't get to my Anna K right now to look at the specific images, so what I'm going to say will have a more RWS bent to it.

The Magician has the tools in front him that he needs to create whatever outcome he desires. So could you be sad that you have the tools, but don't know how to use/assemble them together to effect the outcome you desire with the coworker?

Upright the 7S can be about being sneaky/underhanded or thinking outside the box. Reversed the card may be saying be honest (probably with yourself) about the situation instead of dwelling on it and trying to come up with ways to fix it.

Upright the Moon can be about illusions and fantasies or about unclear thinking. Reversed it might be saying to stop deluding yourself. A lot of people think they have to like their co-workers in order to work with them. There are a number of my co-workers who I can't stand, but they have no clue, because I don't have to like them to work with them.

Of course the other 3 cards that you can't mention will fill in the holes, but I could see these three saying don't let it phase you.



Hi, Rodney.
Thank you so much for the prompt response. I surely appreciate it, as I will be seeing this person tomorrow, and need the clarity to deal with the situation.

To me, the Anna K tarot is very similar to the RWS, so your spin on the cards is very useful.

The Magician: your take on it made me think hard, and I think you have a point. I will definitely look into how exactly to use the tools available to me to move forward.This point has been a recurring one for some time now. It's time I dealt with it.

The interpretation of the 7 Swords reversed is very fitting. I need to act instead of dwell on it, which relates well to the Magician, too.

The Moon reversed: Again, you've struck a chord here. I understand that you can't like everyone, but I still struggle when perceiving that others might not like me. Again, it is something I have been dealing with all my life. But understanding something and truly realizing it are two different things. Your advice on the card, i.e. to stop deluding myself, could be giving me a push to put a stop to this romanticized notion and focus on the bigger picture itself.

Thank you so much again for all your help.


You're quite welcome. :)