Book on a single card?


Are there books out there that focus only on the meaning of one card?
For instance the Hanged Man, mythology, legend around the world and deeper meanings in the symbols used, figure posture...

I'm curious, because I realize the more I'm learning that each card could easily(ignoring the thousands of hours of grouling reaseach :) ) Have its own set of books.




I have three such books, so they do exist in their dealing with a single subject... but will need to get their title and details.

One on the Bateleur/Magician, another on the Papess/High Priestess, and a third on the Hanged Man.

...none, however, focus on precisely the kind of information that you seem to suggest.


Please let me know what they are and what type of info they may contain, I'd love to know. I'm very interested in starting some nitty gritty research into the Hanged Man and would love to know if and where someone else has started to explore this. I think I'd like to research several if not all of the Majors at some point, but am starting with this one for now.

Thanks again,



...makes me realise I must still have some Tarot books in some boxes that remain unpacked from my move last January - and that my list of books in the Books list needs to also be updated.

Anyhow, with regards to the Hanged Man, from a very psychologically oriented perspective is:
Kopp, Sheldon The Hanged Man: psychotherapy and the forces of darkness, 1974​

Personally, I think you would do better looking through some of the discussions in especially the Marseille section (in which much symbology and history is also discussed), and, if related to a specific deck, see if there are threads for the deck (for example, in the Waite/Colman Smith section for their deck), and also check some of the writings of Bob O'Neill:


An interesting subject. I've often felt that there is a place, in Tarot, for individual books that deal specifically with single cards. I even considered writing one myself ... but at this point I am far too unknowledgeable. One needs such a breadth of knowledge to write deeply, about a single card, that I suspect that it might be a task for next lifetime.


PS: I do like Sheldon Kopp's work ... even though he is a tad depressing ... I'll follow up that text . Thanks jmd.


I was also thinking of channeling the research into writting a book, but alas I need to change my profile (after surfing the forum in a bit more depth) from "research buff" to "amature research buff". I've got alot to learn before I could teach 80% of AT's members anything new :)

So I'm thinking perhaps I'll start with an artistic documentation of the research, which will be more appropriate in tarot creation...

Please if anyone knows of other books for individual cards, fess up...