reversed cards


Does anyone reverse any number of cards while shuffling and reading like tarot??


No, I don't reverse any cards when I use the Faeries Oracle . . . but then, I don't typically use reversals when I'm using a regular tarot deck, either. I'm still very much a beginner with the Faeries, so I don't want to add any complications at this point.

If, however, a card turned up reversed, I would be likely to read it as reversed. As I am pretty careful to not reverse any cards when I shuffle, I'd be inclined to see it as potentially significant if I did draw a reversed card.


I haven't yet, but then I don't really pay attention wheather I reverse the cards or not. I am a pretty haphazzard shuffler. But if any cards came up reversed...that is the way I would read them. I like reversals. I think they leand another depth to a reading. Plus it really draws attention to that aspect of the reading...but then each their own! :)


I do not use reversals either with this deck, nor do I use reversals with Tarot.
As Annabelle.....if a card turns up reversed, I will take heed to it...but I do not go out of my way to reverse cards for a reading.


Thank you all for your replies. I guess i wont use reversals for this deck though i do reverse tarot cards while reading....


I suppose it is a matter of preference. I use reversals all the time, each time I shuffle I reverse one half of the deck before combining them. I find this distributes the reversals quite well and gives everything a chance to settle where it wants to. I also allways shuffle nine times (power of 3 times 3). I have found knowing if something is reversed to be a very powerful aid in interpreting the cards and their relation to eachother. I also read in a very unconventional way . . . so sometimes I lay the cards at odd angles . . . to represent degrees of reversal. Sometimes they fall this way, and sometimes it just feels like they should be that way.

Recently I had a reading where #17. Himself came up at an odd angle like that. I'd say the top of the card was pointing at 2 or 3 o'clock. I find the cards turn more upright as I start to get past whatever blockages were reversing them. In this case, I was trying to reconnect to a grounded, in power self, but I wasn't quite there. Himself was laid over #59 (Bodacious Bodach) and #24 (The Piper - Reversed).

If I could post pictures I'd show you . . . but alas I can not yet. It's very hard to create in ascii.


It is up to the individual but I do use reversals- I took the 'topsey turvets' pattern is a sign that I should! I shuffle and then reverse a few, then shuffle some more...I'm a pretty crummy shuffler but no-one's watching! When I get a reversal it is usually pretty significant-not negative necessarily, just a message from the particular faery to 'sit up and take notice'. I always want to see the pictures the right way up, but I like the different spin on the card, so I am going to keep using reversals for now.


When reading Tarot or Oracles, I find that some decks to me are useful with reversals, some do not benefit from them for me.

The Faeries Oracle to me is a deck that doesn't require reversals. As the cards are read so intuitively anyway, they will tell you what they are meant to even without reversals. To me it's like talking and having a chat with a friend. You don't have to stand your friend on her head to undestand her. :grin: You just ask her what you want to know and she tells you directly. The answer may be positive or negative, but you just ask and they tell you. To me this deck is like that, the same kind of direct communication.

Those are my feelings anyway.
