Discussion: Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle


This is the thread for posting your insights, experiences and questions regarding the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle...


This one would most definitely h ave to be one of my favourite decks!

I will be doing the same that I have done with the Healing with Fairies, Archangel discussion threads. The card I have chosen to discuss now is:

Simplify Your Life
"Eliminate clutter from your home and work life to balance the flow of activities"

This basically means that you need to free up some of your time and space, as your life has become unbalanced. So, what you need to do ist to sit down and think aobut all the things that you have and are doing that you can be gotten rid off, so you can use that space and time for something more productive.

If you have to much clutter in your living space, then the energy can become blocked. So, even though you may think that you have an horrendous job of sorting through your stuff, perhaps you can set aside one day a week so you can attack the job at hand. Once you have established what you want to get rid off, decide what you want to do with it, some of the stuff should be thrown straight into the bin, the rest of t he stuff you can either sell or donate to a charitable organisation, like the Salvation Army, for example.

Once you have done this, you would have somehow got rid of the old energy. By doing so, you will effectively allow the flow of energy, whereas before it would have been stagnant. If you are to leave things the way they are, things will stay the same, as there is no room for something new to come into your life. Also, you would probably find that if you live in a clutterred space then you may feel low in energy and maybe have difficulty in sleeping.

Along with this, you can apply some feng shui practices. I don't know enough about that to comment on. However, I do know about the bed position, if the foot of the bed is in line with the door then that is the coffin position. A few other things such as not having a desk where you would have your back to the door and that the front door and the back door should not be in line with each other.




Time to Move On
"It is time to let go of the old and worn out so that the new can come in"

In some way, I can see this sort of ties into the card which I drew earlier, which was Simplify Your Life. In which, there are certain situations and objects in your life that are no longer needed, and they are cluttering your life and space. So, what is needed for that is to eliminate these situations so that it would free your time for more important and productive activities, and to throw away these un-needed objects so that you have more space for the important things, as well as any new things that you desire.

So, with this card, it says that there may be certain situations, such as relationships, associations with certain clubs and careers that no longer serve your purpose. There is mention tha tthere is no need to plan, scheme or to worry about how to move from this situation or what would happen when you do. It tells us that what we need to do i s to realise that this situation no longer serves our purpose, and to somehow emotionally and mentally detach ourselves from this situation, and when the time comes you would have some help and guidance on how to physically remove yourself from the situation. This is all because the situation is old and is no longer needed or serves us no purpse, and by letting go of this situation it would make room for something new. In essence, it could be like creating a vaccuum, if you like, by holdiing on to the old there is no room for the new, but by letting go of the old you would be creating a vaccuum, and as vaccuums are not liked in that sense, that would soon be replaced with something new.

Another way of looking at this, the situation itself may be no longer, but you are unabe to move on because you are still emotionally and mentally attached to the situation. It could be a matter of whether that would have been a break up of a relationship, or even the death of a oved one, such as a spouse. The relationship has gone, but you are still holding on to what the relationship was. By mourning it, and not moving on you're basically stuck. If you were to let go of it, have some sort of closure, you have more chance of getting into another relationship, where you would be loved and you would love another.




Father Healing
"Your personal power increases as you give any father-related issues to heaven"

Affirm: " I now focus on the love that is the spiritual truth of my father, and I hereby balance any karma between us. I now let go of everything but the love and the lessons of my relationship with my father"

This says that in order to regain the balance between the female and male energies of the Universe, in which the female energy is nurturing and receptive which means that we are able to receive the gifts that are offered to us, and the male energy which is expansive and giving in which the Universe would be generous and able to give to you, you need to let go of any feelings of anger, grief or fear related to your father, or male parent. So, in a sense this could be seen that in fact, somehow you are holding a grudge against your father, as an example, would mean that the Universe can be considered to be ungenerous towards you.

In another way of lookint at this is if you are having problems with your father, you may have troubles with other men in your life, in particular if you are female, romantic relationships. You may find yourself being attracted to the same sort of partners over and over again, in some way this can be seen as repeating the pattern of what happened between you and your father, or you may have a compensatory type behaviour in relationships. For example, you may be attracted to the same typoe of person, whether they are depressed, substance addicted or reliant, a social misfit or a commitmentphobe, in the sense that you feel th at you will be able to "fix" them, which would give you the feeling of being needed. It may mean that you may go through life hating men. By forgiving your father, holding on to the love, and letting go of the anger, grief and fear you should be able to change your relationship patterns so you can have a fulfilling relationship with a man in a romantic sense, or otherwise




"your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly"

This card is in a form of validation, which tells you that what you think your intuition is telling you is in fact correct. It is a matter of taking the appropriate action that your intuition is telling you to do in regards to your next step. Perhaps the one thing that may be stopping you from following your intuition is your fear of change.

This card tells you no matter what your fear in change, that all the details have been taken care of, and you will have the sense of support, security and protection from Heaven. It is a matter of making the first step, and that first step is almost always the hardest. But once you have made the first step things would run more smoothly for you. It is a matter of following your true heart's desire and working towards your life's mission. Another way of looking at this, is that we all have the power to change the situations and circumstances we are in, instead of the situations and circumstances dictating who we are and what we do




"Your prayers and questions are being answered by synchronistic events. Notice then in order to increase their flow"

This indicates that there are certain things that may actually be thought of as coincidences, are in the way your prayers have been answered. The more you notice these, the more likely that it is going to keep on happening. Having said that, it could be seen that whatever your true heart's desires are, or what you have envisioned for yourself is being manifested, by noticing these incidents you would have the sense that you are being guided and assisted by the Higher Powers for this manifestation to take place. By noticing these incidents of synchronicity you will have the proof, if you like, that your true heart's desires and prayers have been worked on and are starting to bear fruit. You may need to act on these synchronistic incidents, as it may be a gentle push for you to help co-create your manifestation.

It could be in a way of being in the right place at the right time. It may mean that you may receive some sort of information or you may meet someone who will help you with your manifestation, whether that could be someone who is a teacher of some sort, or someone who sill be able to encourage you to do something you want to do, it could be someone you can work with together to make this thing into a reality.

Sometimes this has happened to me, it may be that I could be wondering when I am going to get something in the mail, that I have been waiting on, in which I may either get it that day or the day after. Sometimes I may be thinking of someone or wondering how someone is and I may receive phone call from them, or an e-mail, or any sort of correspondecne, or it could be someone that I may have happened to bump into when I have been out. These little things all add up, after a few times you may realise that they are not actually coincidences, that in some way it is synchronicity. It may a little bit more than that, but I am not willing to say waht I think it is, or even guess.




Ready, Set, Go!
"Now is the perfect moment to dive in and embrace your heart's desire

Even though you may feel that you are not ready to start working on your heart's desire, this card is saying that now is the best time to do so. In other words, even though you may not feel ready, you are ready right now.

This is about taking steps towards your true heart's desires, both big and small. In some way you need to establish what you don't need in your life, or what will interfere with you working towards your true heart's desire. It could be the way you think, as you may have self-doubts, fears, worries, insecurities and other self-sabotaging thoughts. In some sense, what is needed here, first to recognise that you have such negative thoughts, second perhaps establish a pattern, when you are likely to think of these negative thoughts, third be vigilant so you can recognise these negative thoughts and fourth to deal and challenge thes thoughts, so you can turn them around so that these negative thoughts do not have such a hold on you.

It could be a simple case that you have too many responsibilities and obligations palces on you. If people are constantly putting demands on your time, energy and attention, know that it is OK to say "No" occasionally. If you have too many responsibilities, if there is someone around you who can do them for you , then delegate, so that the workload is fairly distributed. By doing this you are rescheduling your time so you can spend time doing something that is truly important to you.

By workin gon your true heart's desires you will have more energy, have greater self-esteem, you will be happier and you will attract more abundance.




Break Free
"Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn"[/b]

This card tells you it is time to get out of your comfort zone. There may be certain things that you may have wanted to try and experience but have not done so. The reason why you haven't tried these things are because of your self-doubts, fears, worries, insecurities and other self-sabotaging thoughts. I, myself, am a very good exampple of this, especially in the past. There have been absolute heaps of things that I have wanted to try, but not even attempted it. The reason why I never attempted these things is because I told myself that I would be no good at it or I will fail at it, without even giving it the chance. I saw a couselor, I told him this, he told me that what I need to do when those thoughts come up again is to challenge these by saying something along the lines of "What is the worst possible thing that could happen if I fail".

In all seriousness, how are you going to know if you are not going to like it or you are going to fail at it if you are not going to give it a go in the first place. If you feel like you would want to try something, then do it. So what if you don't like it? So what if you are no good at it?

This card says that just because you are going to try all these different things, you don't have to stick to these things. The important things is that you have tried it in the first place. It is a matter of trial and error. By trying all these things, you would have more of an idea of what you can do and what you like to do. By doing so, you will grow, and the more you to do this, the more likely that there would be other things that you will try. Eventually you will come across and realise what you can do and what you really want to do.




A New Dawn
"The worst is now behind you, and postive new experiences are on the horizon"

If you've goen through patterns of negativity in the past, this is the time to affirm: "I now release the need to experience this life lesson. I extract whatever teachings I need to discover, and I move on to a life of harmonious and peaceful actions"

This card tells you that you have had many difficult times in your past. It could be things like an endless cycle of failed relationships or even being in relationships that have not been good for you as there maybe an element of deceit or even abuse. It could be a time you have gone through a time when your health may have been bad. It could be the fact that you may have difficulties with your job, or even difficulties in finding a job.

The card indicates that you need to let go of any negative thoughts and emotions that are attached to these things, whether it has been depression, guilt, fear, resentment and unforgiveness, for example. You have gone through these things so you can learn something from them. Hold on to waht you have needed to learn from these, and let go of the rest.

This card says that things are going to get better. It could be seen that this card indicates a turning point in your life, where you will find huge improvements. It can almost be said that you have hit rock bottom, there is no way things can get any worse, and the only direction from here on is up!




Stay Optimistic
"Your dreams are coming true. Don't quite right before the miracle occurs"

This says that you have been working on something, as in your true heart's desire, for example, and that your prayers have been answered. What is needed at this time for you to maintain your hope and faith and to be patient. If you were to take a look at where you are now, what you have in your life, and where you were in the past, you would notice that there are changes for the better. If you were to pay attention you would notice how certain things are beginning to manifest, by noticing this, you can show gratitude, in which by noticing even the smallest thing to be grateful for you are more likely to notice more and more to be grateful for, and the more you are likely to receive.

This card is saying that you need to maintain your hope and faith. Don't let your self-doubts, fears, worries, insecurities and other self-sabotaging thoughts stop you. By maintaining your hope and faith you would have your positive manifestatin soon. If you let your self-doubts, fears, worries, insecurities and other self-sabotaging thoughts get in the way, this will hinder the positive manifestation, and in fact may result in a negative manifestation.

You need to stay optimistic. You can take time to quieten your mind, visualise what you desired manifestation is and believe that this has already occured, this will help you in maintaining your hope, faith and gratitude. At the same time you need to pay attention to any guidance or signs in regards what you need to act on so that you can co-create your manifestation. These signs may be in the form of ideas, thoughts, concepts, visions, dreams, the voice inside your head, what other people may say to you, song lyrics or visual signs in the physical world.

