PIP (non-scenic minors) deck study group index thread


This is a study group for those who want to study decks which do not have scenes on the cards of the minor arcana.
This study group is not interested in RWS or Thoth meanings.
This group will look at numerology, elemental correspondences, linking the Minor Arcana to the equivalent numbered trump in the Major Arcana and other ways of reading non-scenic minors.

Please click on the link to take you to the thread you want:

PIP deck study

Link to other ATF numerology threads

PIP deck study - The Aces
PIP deck study - The fours
PIP deck study - The fives
PIP deck study - The Eights
PIP deck study - The nines
PIP deck study - The Tens

Wands / Batons and the number sequence

Journal notes threads (originally in the Marseilles forum)
PIP Study - journal notes As de Coupes / Ace Cups and 2 de Coupes / 2 Cups
PIP Study - journal notes 3 de Coupes / 3 Cups
PIP Study -journal notes 4 de Coupes / 4 Cups and 5 de Coupes / 5 Cups
PIP Study - Journal notes 6 de Coupes / 6 Cups
PIP study - journal notes 7 de Coupes / 7 cups

PIP Study - journal notes 7 d'Epees / 7 Swords