"Medieval Chihuahua Tarot" ...completed...


Lynnie, i am completely overwhelmed by the Death Card!((((Lee Lee Lou and Lyn)))):heart:

It is magnificent! Truly! i can't imagine how difficult this was for you...:*:*:*


Juno is holding steady :) and wondering when you will make a deck devoted exclusively to black and white cats :laugh:
That's perfect, actually, since B&W kitties ARE cartoon cats. At least ours is :laugh:

Here he shows his esteem for Pinto and Pinto's dad (my brother).
:heart: Debra, well i now have a folder on my hard drive that says: 'Black and White Kitty Deck' :laugh:
...tarot or oracle?... what do you think? ...

i am going to need a 'crazy cat lady' for that deck...LOL hmmm... image of Debra? :laugh: just kidding
but not kidding about adding a crazy cat lady!

Oh, BTW, i love the photo of Juno and your 'handsome' brother! :):thumbsup: and how cute little Pinto looks!
Juno looks so healthy! Do you have a larger photo of that one? Doesn't he look like the 'Hanged Man?' LOL

Your Death card is very impressive!
:heart: Thank you! Alta...well i am impressed that you are impressed!
i was hoping it would not look like all the other death cards out there.
Thanks for your support! :*

Aww, Lyn, your beloved Lee Lee is the Death Card...must have been hard for you to make that one....but, it's all about her new beginnings in doggie heaven!!

Where is my little Pep's card?? Did you forget about him? I know he is earless in this photo, but man, look at those eyes! So sweet, so innocent, so loving - and that is really the way he is, too, never met a chi with such a sweet, gentle, loving attitude ALL THE TIME. As we know, they all have their moments - but Pep, he doesn't have a mean, grumpy, snappy bone in his body. It's all about love and love and more love. Even when you are hurting him (giving meds, shots at the vet, pulling ticks off, cutting his nails) he just screams like a baby, but still won't bite or snap or even growl. He's such a sweetheart. Ok, he pulls the "Dominant Dog" thing and tries to hump Oobi every now and then, and you should see him disembowel his toys....but other than that.....
Debra, glad to hear Juno is hanging in there....
:heart: Bhavana, no, i didn't forget Pep! i finished his card almost 2 weeks ago!

You must have missed him in his card debut:
The 'sweet and innocent' Page of Cups
i posted it twice! He was one of the FIRST Chi's to be put in a card!

Go here please:
Post #71 on page 2 (posted my first attempt)
Post #75 also on page 2 (the final Page of Cups card with Pep)

i even gave him his ears from the second photo of him you gave me!
Now my feelings are hurt...:laugh: (not)...

Anyway, Bhavana, do you like Pep as the Page of Cups
(i chose that card because he looks so sweet and innocent!)

Lynnie, i am completely overwhelmed by the Death Card!((((Lee Lee Lou and Lyn)))):heart:

It is magnificent! Truly! i can't imagine how difficult this was for you...:*:*:*
:heart: sis, thank you for liking my Death card...that means a lot to me, because I know it is
one of your favorite cards. i actually love the Death card as well. One of the prettiest cards
ever is in the Nigel Jackson deck (Medieval Enchantment)...i LOVE that Death card.
Of course, now i love the Chi Death card :heart:

Re: LLL/Death card
i think it was very healing working on this card...it was kind of a further releasing of her
...and more of a connect with her Spirit as she guided me in making this card :heart:
it is hard to believe she is actually gone as being with me for sooooo long
it is amazing how she was so very healthy her whole life until right at the last 3 months
(and the final assessment from the vet was that it was due to those 'Waggin Train' treats made in China)

:heart: @ everyone...
Not sure which card will be next (no one suggested one so far) so, first the post office, then daily walk, then back here and on to a new Chi card!

:heart: HUGS


OH, Wow!! So sorry Lyn, but I never saw Pep's card! I thought I was keeping up pretty good with this thread, but I must have missed a few posts! Thanks so much, and yes, he looks awesome! So cute in his little blue suit. You did a good job with his ears, too - you'd never know they were not part of the original photo!

So what is the deal with these cards when the deck is finished? I know you have to order from the GameCrafter site, but I never got a deck from there....are they nice? Do they do justice to your work? Is the cardstock decent? I REALLY CAN'T WAIT!!


OH, Wow!! So sorry Lyn, but I never saw Pep's card! I thought I was keeping up pretty good with this thread, but I must have missed a few posts! Thanks so much, and yes, he looks awesome! So cute in his little blue suit. You did a good job with his ears, too - you'd never know they were not part of the original photo!

So what is the deal with these cards when the deck is finished? I know you have to order from the GameCrafter site, but I never got a deck from there....are they nice? Do they do justice to your work? Is the cardstock decent? I REALLY CAN'T WAIT!!
:heart: Thank you, Bhavana, i thought you would like him as the Page of Cups...too cute! :heart:
...and if you ever need ears (or anything else) put on anything, let me know! :laugh:

i got a little upset at the game crafters site, because they recently had the 'wrong' weight
on one of my other games there!!! Their site said it weighted over 6 lbs when it was around
2 ozs (not counting the big game box)! :bugeyed:

That was one reason their shipping prices have been too high. i think it is fixed now... but
i am still a little leary about their shipping calculating software!!! Who knows how long it was
going on before i called them on it??!! :bugeyed: A lot of people have ordered at the ridiculously
high shipping prices. And now TGC says that they have no way of knowing 'which'
orders that happened to? Plus, the way their site is set up, the sellers (like me) have NO way of knowing
exactly WHO brought their deck or game. The only thing we can see on our sales stat page
is the state and country of the buyer...nothing else, no name, no address...natha! :(
AND they do not like to make changes to their ways! Really 'uptight' and 'boxed' in...like the 4 of coins!!!
...also like the Emperor, they like the 'total' control. i wouldn't use them at all, BUT their deck
quality is so good and shipping is fairly fast (because you only have the choice of 'priority' mail).

Even though they mail priority, it depends 'where' in the usa you live...their rates change
according to your zip code and according to the 'weight' of the deck or game.

i did find a great other place online that has the same good quality, etc., HOWEVER...it took
me about 2 1/2 weeks (i think it was) to get a deck printed from them. They do drop ship though
but don't think any of you want to wait that long once ordered. Plus you would have to pay
me via paypal first then i would pay them and have them dropship the deck to you.

...so back to game crafters i go...They have everything good...except their shipping rates!
(and the fact that they won't tell me the ordering details about my customer)

Oh, i think i mentioned this before, but i will again: The Chi deck will be available in the 'jumbo' size
as well as the 'regular' size. i have to tell you that the jumbo is magnificent...
i ordered one bear deck in jumbo and it is awesome and will be even better with the Chi deck in this size! :)

When will the Chi deck be ready?... hmmmm...i am aiming for the end of July or early Aug...
There are about 26 cards finished now (and about 4 extra cards as well)...so there is still a ways to go!
...aiming at finishing about one card every two days... so by end of May i should have
almost 48 cards done...15 more cards done in June...and the last 15 cards done in July...

i can actually do one card a day, but i am taking my time on this deck and doing other things
i like in-between as well...

...going for my daily 1 1/2 mile walk now...then back to work on cards!

:heart: HUGS


The 9 of coins

:):heart:...the 9 of coins is done...do you like her?

:heart: Lyn
...it is almost 4am...but i just had to get this card finished! :bugeyed:


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  • COINS.9.2.jpg
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:heart::) Okay, how about this one then?

this outfit is circa 1800 ...from Paris...

:heart: Lyn


  • COINS.9.final.jpg
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The third is best, to my eye. The others have a very busy background. In the third one, the lady stands out more. I also like the shape of her body and posture better. Plus, heck, a gown from Paris--just what the 9 of coins lady wants!


The 3rd one--hands down! Gorgeous and so elegant! :love:


The third is best, to my eye. The others have a very busy background. In the third one, the lady stands out more. I also like the shape of her body and posture better. Plus, heck, a gown from Paris--just what the 9 of coins lady wants!
:heart::) i knew it was too quiet here! LOL Whenever there is too long of a silence, i know
that something is very wrong with a card! :laugh: ...and Debra, that is exactly what i was thinking too...
...that my first two cards, were way too busy. i just added too many plants!
Plus other things were wrong with the first two. Now the 3rd version is most like the RW version.
i wanted to kind of get away from being in the 'exact RW' box...but looks like everyone likes
the RW traditional style best.

:heart: Thanks Debra! Now i can relax and start the next card...after a great nights sleep!

The 3rd one--hands down! Gorgeous and so elegant! :love:
:heart: Thanks sis, the 3rd version is the final pick for the deck :) i have to say it took 3 card attempts to
get her right because of my having 'Spring Fever!' :laugh: ... yes, Spring finally got here
and it is gorgeous outside right now and a little more difficult to stay inside and make cards...LOL
But i WILL finish this deck close to being on time :):heart:

:heart: Thanks sis!