Sabian Symbols Study Group: Scorpio 9 - #219


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Degree: 9
Number: 219



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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Sabian Symbol: Dental work
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Practicality
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Sperm duct, vagina
Crystal Element: Magnesite
Expression: Metamorphic in origin, magnesite is a white carbonate. Magnesite enhances intellectual ability, inquisitiveness and accuracy.
Message: Close examination, action, prompt relief.
Sun Focus: You have a skilful probing mind; others appreciate your skill, sensibility and credentials.
Affirmation: I seek a catalyst to repair and restore wellbeing.


This is the destiny card of my sun sign.

Okay. I know that I have this, sometimes debilitating, talent for trying to help people but until recently, I never really understood the drive.

Then, I was charting my natal signs and looking at the relevant symbols and there it was - right in front of me.

Lynda's Commentary: "His work involves finding out what's wrong in a situation and fixing it up so that things can work smoothly and efficiently once again."

But, doesn't this set me up as judge and jury? Who's to say that my judgement is correct? Why should I be judging others anyhow?

"He concentrates on fixing damage that has probably occurred over a long period of time."

Yes, it seems that most of the issues that arise for my "patients", lol, are issues or beliefs that they've held since childhood.

And Lynda writes, "these people need to know when to back off, that we should be able to fix up our own mistakes, now and then".

Well, I don't think I try to fix mistakes, because I believe only they can do this and only if they want to.....assuming that my judgement of the "mistake" was not inaccurate in the first place. I believe that most issue that arise are the truth. And it's the person's ability to deal with the truth that determines how they will act/react to such a discovery.

Putting the three signs my role to reflect and go deep to help other people find issues that need to be dealt with?

Can I just sit by knowing things, without saying anything?

I know that this talent has intimidated my last two intimate partners and as a result, they withdrew from me.

After rereading Barbara De Angelis book called, "Secrets about life that every woman should know" I remembered that she wrote about a man that felt so inadequate by her competence.

Recently, I rewatched a movie with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt called "What Women Want". They play leading account executives in an advertising agency and they are a little pitted against each other, as Hunt is employed to be Gibson's boss. He doesn't like it because he very chauvinistic.

At one point during the movie, she makes a comment about scaring away men through her confidence and competence. I feel like this too at times.

The deep-sea divers have given me the skills to be able to see and know things that hide in the depths of that reflective lake. The dentist in me can't resist but raise it to the consciousness. It's not like I deliberately go out analysing everyone all of the time (though, if you're familiar with lexigrams - hidden words inside other words - analyse and details are two words that are in my full-name).

It's more that people confide in me their problems and because I have a talent to see, I offer information, or self-exploratory techniques that guide them to dig their own depths. Sometimes, I am then made to feel "responsible" by them for their findings. And, I feel I then have to suffer the consequences, which in my intimate relationships has been their breakdown.

Anyhow, enough waffling by me. It's just that I found these three symbols quite interesting and wanted to share them with you. Didn't get much past the sun sign else will I find?

with love