It's the all singing, all dancing enabling Thread #4


Thank you for this. Now I know that getting my golden kitties back is an act of social justice, and will bring global peace and a golden age of Tarot unto the world. <cue Ode to Joy>

<well satisfied>


Chrysalis tarot


I need to be enabled to the Chrysalis tarot.
I have it and I do not use it nor like it as much as I thought I would. When it was on my wishlist I really wanted it, from the pictures I had seen online.... but when I got it, there were too many cards I did not really get ; and also the border, which I had thought would be a brilliant joyful and sunny gold, turned out to give me an impression of muddy mustard... and I put the deck on the side.

But, I still love many cards from this deck and I would really want to like it. I feel that I have things to learn from this deck.

Can you help me fall in love with this deck ?

Thank you !


I know Falcor uses and loves this deck. I hope he sees this thread :)



I need to be enabled to the Chrysalis tarot.
I have it and I do not use it nor like it as much as I thought I would. When it was on my wishlist I really wanted it, from the pictures I had seen online.... but when I got it, there were too many cards I did not really get ; and also the border, which I had thought would be a brilliant joyful and sunny gold, turned out to give me an impression of muddy mustard... and I put the deck on the side.

But, I still love many cards from this deck and I would really want to like it. I feel that I have things to learn from this deck.

Can you help me fall in love with this deck ?

Thank you !

Carojulie, i love this deck! For me its so spiritual and it loves to talk to you about your spirit guides, your past lives, your ancestors, you life path. If you have the book there's a great spread about connecting to the fairy realm, and on the blog there's loads of good info, if its still up(not sure if the book replaced the blog).

Get Papa Legba (strength) out and ask him to be your guide!! Haha, hope my enthusiasm is catching and this helps a bit! Good luck :)


Wormweird, anyone? Enable me.


Oh, and the Osho Zen. I seem to be allergic to buying it but we keep crossing paths.


Could someone out there explain to me why I just purchased The Night Sun Tarot and how I will eventually love it in the end? I need a serious enabler. Are you out there?


I'm not so sure but let's try ;-)

I purchased the Night Sun without knownig why I did so, too. The deck fascinated me somehow althoug it's totally not up my alley with all the CG stuff and this uncanny valley look. I think the creator could have called the deck the Uncanny Valley deck, the human figures are so weird, so alien, so nearly-there. But on purpose.

The deck is still fascinating me with its weirdness. I trimmed it and edged it in black which always makes me feel closer to a deck. It's a thought provoking deck, it uses a lot of geometric symbols and glyphs, and when I tried reading with it, it actually worked okay. I don't know why I don't use it more, it's a deck that feels less approachable than others.

The "difficult" cards are much stronger than the "positive" cards, the artist conveys melancholy, longing, inner conflict better than joy or simply pleasures. The restricted use of colour and many shadowed corners make it an atmospheric deck. It's like a night scene in a film noir, there is no safe corner anywhere.

The Pentacles suit is for me the most expressive suit of the deck, and that's quite rare. Often, the pragmatic Pentacles are treated like a harmless afterthought with lush vegetation. In this deck, the green is uncomfortable and the earth is much less kind than in other decks. It's not lush or lovely. I like that. There's something sword-ish in the other minor suits.

Three books that I like very much for practical work with my decks are Lynda Knowles' Tarot Playbook, Christine Jette's Shadow Work and Alison Cross' Tarot Kaizen. In an ideal world, I could spend much more time with my decks and these books! I do the Tarot Kaizen exercises with the Night Sun although it would be very good for shadow work, too. I'm a bit afraid of the results so I didn't try it yet. But it's a deck that calls out to do shadow work with it IMO. The Kaizen exercises made me appreciate the deck more and I discovered its strengths.

I think it's an interesting deck and it doesn't flatter, it challenges. It's not a comfort deck, it's a discomfort deck. I'm very glad I have it.


Carojulie, i love this deck! For me its so spiritual and it loves to talk to you about your spirit guides, your past lives, your ancestors, you life path. If you have the book there's a great spread about connecting to the fairy realm, and on the blog there's loads of good info, if its still up(not sure if the book replaced the blog).

Get Papa Legba (strength) out and ask him to be your guide!! Haha, hope my enthusiasm is catching and this helps a bit! Good luck :)

Hi Luxa, thank you for answering, and yes, your enthusiasm is making me want to give the deck a new chance ! I do not have the book. Maybe it could help me, because a lot of my problem with this deck, are cards that I cannot make sense of (Nine of stones looking like an eight of cups.... ten of stones looking like a mix of ten of wands and four of pents.... and several more like that. maybe the book could help me see deeper than my first impression)
What is sure is that I like the art, and that many pictures resonate with me, eventhough some other pictures I do not understand.
This deck gives me an impression of warmth, summer. For that reason, I think I will let it sit a little longer in storage, and will take it out later, in midsummer (sometime like litha or lammas or in between). Also I will try to apply some Tarot Kaizen exercises to it. Do you by any chance have the adress, or the name, of the blog you mention ?
Thank you so much Luxa ! :)