King of cups as outcome card help pleae..


Hello everyone, i am new on this forum, its really interesting and i am enjoying reading, examples and interpretations :)

Well here is my example and please comment am i interpretating corectly , i am begginer in tarot readings and any help is very welcome..

Question was: will we come back together love question .. first card was Queen of cups, second king of pentacles , third two wands , fourth-page of cups and fifth- final outcome King of cups ... five card i take for wishes reading and usually fifth card as outcome of the wishes, i interpretate like this :

First card, i am like queen of cups- gentle, kind, very very sensitive, emotional , in love etc... second card him- he is rational, not so emotional, colder person ... Two of wands -third card: he is thinking what to do, he started to hesitate , period of waiting... then fourth card i dont know how to interpretate in combination .. well in this case- it might represent, my hughe interest in him- younger person than me ..? help please.. or in future some new message from him? and king of cups- outcome- love measage? and when i count cards numbers and result is number 6- lovers... so what do you think? thanks a lot :)


I don't really count cards or use too much numerology in my readings (and I'm not the best at interpreting readings done by others because the deck used can play a huge part for me), but I'd like to try to help out. I'm not sure how much help I'll be.

I don't normally think of the king of pentacles as someone who is cold, for me that would be the king of swords, but perhaps he's just very measured in his way of interacting. Its an earthy card and I tend to think of the court cards of the pentacle suit as slow moving. There's quite a few cups in this reading (which I'd expect since its a matter of the heart). In some ways the queen is a reflection of her king, but the king is more refined and more controlled so maybe in this instance, going on my feelings, it could indeed be an indication of the relationship being rekindled when its combined with the page of cups. Or he could be trying to sort through his emotions. The two of wands along with the page and king of cups suggests to me that his decision (or the mutual decision) will be made by the heart, but not without really considering it. I hope someone else comes along and shares their perspective and views to help out a bit more. If I just glanced at the reading on the table I'd probably be inclined to say the answer is yes.

I hope things work out. :)