Four of Wands


Some Goy I was at a Mexican restaurant last night and ordered the Chalupa, an it didn’t look like that.
It may not be a sukkah or a chuppa…could just be a simple ramada.

Not like any one I’ve seen either.

Guess it’s symbolic and not to be interpreted too literally…?

No I don’t see a wedding dress.

I see a Toga Party (look at the dancers on the left below the rise). We are being welcomed by the two closer individuals.

It’s for us. We have arrived.

But it ain’t no wedding…


*firemaiden prepares Umbrae's bonfire*


Why don't we compromise and say that it could represent a wedding given the surrounding cards? Say it was surroudned by a lot of cups Ace, Two for example, it could possibly portend a wedding...

It could also represent a harvest festival or any cultural festival such as the Munich Beer festival...

It could even represent a Bar Mitzvah...


Problem with some interps and books and LWB’s…you can get stuck.

It (the 4 of Wands) cannot portend a wedding. Just like cards cannot tell you you’re pregnant – unless there is sexual activity (Pee on a card - if a blue stripe appears, buy a new deck). Pregnacy cannot be predicted for someone after a hysterectomy.

A wedding cannot be fortold for someone who is not about to be married.

If ya got wedding on the mind.

It cannot be a Bar Mitzvah…unless you’re reading for a Jewish boy.

It cannot be a festival if…

It’s a visual metaphor (and that’s my point).

Ya can’t just say “A means B”…unless you only read for Jewish boys…

“You’re going to a wedding, or a bar mitzvah…you are pregnant…”
“Xiéxie ne”

Visual metaphors become very difficult when we lock them up with keywords…wedding...why not funeral? Nobody parties at a funeral? You didn't know my father...

I don’t care about the surrounding cards here…unless I understand the openness and trust the metaphor before me, the surrounding cards will get me even more lost.

I will state that a wedding COULD be indicated – but not mandated (or even woman dated), cuz it’s not a Marriage card.

It is a card of happiness after trials.

It’s Chesed. It is about happiness and joy – and the acceptance of such, and enjoyment of the same. It is a card about trust (hence the Sukkhot metaphor).

Where as the Four of Swords is a card of stability before trials, the Four of Wands is considered to fall after.

But our metaphors are that. They are metaphors. They give us ideas, the allow our minds to find the ‘four of wands’ file quickly in our organic filing system and deliver our message.

I think it’s a ramada myself.

And this ain’t the emperor – don’t start throwing the majors onto the tree carelessly – majors belong on the paths…not on any Sephiroth. The emperor sits on a cube…don’t get me started on that one…I’ll pull the bus over and make you walk…


Umbrae it's xie xie nin to you.;)

I'm not saying it represents a wedding - I think I made that very clear in my last two essays...

I'm trying to stop you lot arguing.:)

And I didn't say the four of wands was the Emperor - I said the fours are related to the Emperor which starts another argument and the wheel turns...


*Firemaiden helps Umbrae down from bonfire*.

Please sir... may I stay on the bus?

Boy, do you ever have a point. (LOL)

That certainly expresses very clearly why keywords are bogus.

Thank you. :D

*Firemaiden goes to write in journal "pee on a card... if a blue stripe appears..."


firemaiden said:
That certainly expresses very clearly why keywords are bogus.
I love it!