Reversals Sometimes make Sense?


What if, while doing your reading, youe get 2 cards that are reversed and one of them makes perfect sense with the reversal meaning but the other does not?


I’m a beginning reader, but I used reversals right off the bat; they just make sense to me. Most often, I find that the reversed card indicates the same thing it would upright, but that it’s energy is being blocked or reduced. I also pay attention to the ratio of them to upright cards; if I get a lot of reversals, I see general frustration, maybe self-sabotage. If one makes sense and the other doesn’t, maybe it means that one of them should be interpreted opposite it’s upright meaning, but that the other indicates the positive side of that card is in force, but being hindered in some way.


I let the cards sit for a while and look at them later again. Chances are I've overlooked something or am missing a piece of the puzzle.


Maybe you should try reading without reversals.

I didn't start using reversals until I'd got a really good grasp of what the upright cards meant to me - it was around 18 months I think.

I've actually stopped using reversals again in the last few months since I've started reading with a Tarot de Marseille.

I think there are enough meanings in 78 cards without turning them over for another lot of meanings, especially if you're new to this.


Maybe it depends on how you use reversals. They always make sense to me because of the way I use them. To me a reversal simply means that all the energy of the upright card is there and trying to exert itself. BUT there is something in the way, blocking it from happening. Usually it just means the event will happen but announces a delay of some kind, or just points out that something is getting in the way of its occuring.

Then I just do a second reading to see what it is that is getting in the way, or blocking the event from happening, and try to eliminate it if the event is something I want to occur or on preventing it if it is something I don't want to occur.

So this always makes sense to me, often what is blocking it is something I am doing unconsciously, some fears I am hanging I can never say the card doesn't make sense as if it is something I am doing unconsciously it is natural that I am not aware of it....

So that's my take on it.
