Reading offered!


First come first served for a general reading with one spread or more if I see things that are worth exploring!

I don't read very often, but I'll do my best...


May I...? I'm moving a lot of questions around concerning my work, my profession, and the gap between what I could have achieved and what I actually achieved. Good advice on how to continue, whether to change direction or not, and where I should improve, would be much appreciated.

I'm in Israel, too, by the way.

If this sounds not interesting enough, that's okay. :) (And if I was too specific - a general reading would be great, too...)


Great to see another native :)

I would love to do a reading for you, I'll do it tomorrow afternoon and post it in the evening (I love that you actually understand my time zone!).

To all others that drop by, I'm in the mood for a big reading, so I won't be able to do more.


Thank you, that's wonderful. Shabat shalom (I'm waiting for the meteor shower that was promised for tonight but didn't materialize yet...).




if you are taking sitters i would like to know how things will develop with Lead once we get together in few months. he is an acquaintance.
thank you dear~


Am I too late?

I would like insight on my financial future. How can we improve the changes of finding a job soon for my family?

Edit: nevermind! Looks like I am. Maybe next time!


May I have a reading too, please? (If you are still reading). I'd like to know whether I'll be accepted for the guidance counsellor job? Thanks


As long as people are still requesting readings..... There's this chick that I would like to ask out for drinks and dinner. We're good friends socially, but I have this fear of rejection. What if I ask her, and she says "With YOU? Hell no! D'ya think I'm nuts?" What should I do, Mr. Cleos?


Reading for Nemia

So, I guess this is where I put my money where my big mouth is, eh?

May I...? I'm moving a lot of questions around concerning my work, my profession, and the gap between what I could have achieved and what I actually achieved. Good advice on how to continue, whether to change direction or not, and where I should improve, would be much appreciated.

Anyway, Nemia, sorry for the delay, I'm very bad at writing readings down, but here it is. I decided to do a kind of modular Tree of Life spread that I like to do for myself. It is great for self-readings since it can be as big or as small as you want. A whole Tree would be prohibitively long and involved (32 cards!), and in any case I've never done one. What I do, though, is take a segment and develop it. It is a "reflective" spread, less about prediction and more self-analysis, less formal "spread" and more meditation, so some of it may sound somewhat blurry or "in the air." However, it works. It goes like this:

I shuffle and take out cards until I have a Minor. This Minor is our core, our present situation, the specific step we are on in a given situation. Depending on that card, I decide whether to go up the Tree and investigate root causes or down the Tree for more "practical" effects and outcomes. So, the next card I take represents a Path, and while it retains its meaning it manifests as the path it rests on. The next card represents a Sephira and, again, keeps its meaning but is shown through the attributes of the respective Sephira. All the cards in the spread are seen through the lens of our primary Minor.

Here is a diagram of the Tree of Life. The circles represent the Minors, numbered one to ten, while the paths represent the Majors, zero to twenty-one. The most important thing to remember is that all of the cards drawn affect all the others and are intimately interconnected. In a reading such as this there are obvious limitations to how deep we can go, but I'll point out the important points. Also, here is a drawing of your own reading.

If this sounds confusing it'll clear up. Since this is the Thoth forum, I allowed myself the rare luxury of throwing everything I know into it and have gone full crackpot esoteric.

So let's begin.

Card 1: Four of Wands
This card is our primary and sets the tone for all that follows. From your question I got the impression of being somewhat restless. This card would seem to show that this restlessness does not come from a bad place, but actually a very good one. Nothing is really bad, but that doesn't seem to be enough. While stable as a Four, the Fire of the Wands inevitably becomes unstable and so denotes an urge to shake things up and change. Being the Four, it is in Chesed, which acts as the raw material and structure from which we create, the basic and unformed ingredients. In this case our raw material comes from the union of Venus and Aries, a beautiful marriage of opposite polarities which means that whatever you decide to do, it does not come from a place of weakness, lack or imbalance but from strength. This seems to be especially evident when looking at the attribution of Chesed itself, Jupiter. The fashion through which Jupiter expands and creates is through utilizing the balance and male/female order of the universe. The fact that there is such equilibrium here shows that this is a great starting point. Now, I don't think this points to any dissatisfaction, merely a wish to utilize what is already there to greater advantage.

Card 2. Path of Tet (Lust): Princess of Discs
The path of Tet relates to True Will, the realization of doing what you're best at, your "lust for life." In this case we have the Princess of Discs, an interesting card for this position. She is the last Court and shares the place of the last Tarot card with the Ten of Discs. As the lowest card on the Tree, she exemplifies the idea that when there is no lower place to go, the only thing to do is to start at the beginning. This makes her a creative force to be reckoned with, always being on the verge of transformation. In her hands she holds a scepter with a crystal at the end, the jewel of Keter. Interestingly, however, she holds it downward, as if Keter is about to manifest below her, rather than above. This indeed is the case. So, in this case, your lust is to create, to take something and transform it into something very different. Combined with the Four of Wands, your urge takes on a more active and dynamic feel, and the transformative energies of the Princess would seem to work well here. The restive quality of the Wands used to fuel creativity and change.

Card 3. Geburah: Ace of Discs
Geburah is the Sephira of desire, it is the culmination of the expansion of material in Chesed and the force of Lust. This card is the answer, of sorts, to why you would wish to disrupt the equilibrium of Chesed. Aces tend to be abstract, and here I think it points to a desire to connect, a need for tactile, earthy interaction, combined with the cyclical growth of the Princess. A desire, perhaps, to make something from scratch, something that is all your own. So pronounced does this seem to be, considering this is an Ace, that there may even be a feeling a drifting or lack of purpose that triggers this need for hands-on work. I don't seem to see any rigidity here, no feeling of being stuck, but that feeling may well come to be if the Ace isn't humored and given what it wants.

Card 4 - Path of Lamed (Adjustment): Nine of Discs: This path refers to the inherent balance of all things in the universe, that every action invites an immediate reaction which is, in turn, an action in itself with its own reaction and so on. This placement refers to the forces that balance the relatively violent desires of Geburah. Since we are going down the Tree, this refers to what must be added to the Ace of Discs in order to further it, and so we come to the Nine of Discs. It is a card that is on the brink of finalization and solidification and balance, being at Yesod, and so is a good card to have at Lamed. It seems very practical, as if it is saying that the only way to balance urges and desires is to act upon them, and bring them to fruition. In more practical terms just start doing, and the rest will take care of itself. Create not in search of some goal, but for its own sake. Allow urges to fester, and the result could be quite unpleasant. Activity is balance, just like you can't stay upright on a bike unless it's moving.

Card 5 - Path of Yod: Five of Wands: When building a Tree, some cards are more connected to some than others because of its structure, and so this card is to be considered mainly in relation to the card of Chesed, our root card, although it does have bearing and is somewhat shaded by all of them. Such is the interconnectedness of the Tree. However, in a reading this can be endlessly complex, so we'll try not to go overboard. This path refers to the Hermit which, for our purposes, is our immobile essence, the seed of our being. We can change endlessly and acquire new memories but that point of being never changes. Change is the only constant, and in moving the Hermit stays in the same place. Now, obviously this is just one reading, so no one can make such dire judgements, but for our purposes we will just take all that and apply it to the question. In this case we have the Five of Wands, named "Strife." When connected to the Four of Wands, it suggests that settled realities do not suit you, and that in any given situation you attempt to shape places and events to your liking, and maybe even create a little chaos. Indeed, since we are on the path of Yod, this does not even seem to be a conscious thing, you instinctively react with rebellion to any sense of order, even your own. This even goes back to your question and what we said previously of the Four of Wands. This isn't to say that you are a chaotic person, none of the other cards would suggest that, merely that you see order as an opportunity for change, and that stagnation and resting on your laurels are bad things for you.

This path is related to the path of Lamed in that they are opposite one another on the Tree, and so are foils for each other and balance one another. Both are connected to Tiphareth, what could be considered our "ideal selves." In this case, however, this balance seems to be a little off. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, some people thrive on imbalance, especially those naturally inclined toward art or other creative endeavors. Besides, that's the point; yearning for something to be created creates a vacuum which can only be filled by the creation itself. Plus, since we are going down the Tree, this "strife" is actually something you should seek out, learn new things, challenge yourself, leave your comfort zones. You'll know you're doing something right when learning how to do it is difficult and frustrating because then how greater are the rewards! It seemed strange to me at first that the way to blance is to create imbalance, and yet it makes perfect sense.

Card 6 - Tiphareth: Six of Discs
It appears we have come full circle. We began with a Wands card that we placed on its respective Sephira, and now we have randomly chosen another Wands card put in its rightful place. That in itself is quite exciting, but the overwhelming amount of discs in the reading is quite reinforced by this position. Tiphareth could be thought of as our "ideal" selves, the personification of our True Will. Now, as I said before, one shouldn't presume that much in a single reading, so we shall treat it as your own ideal in relation to the question. This is actually one of the cards I find most beautiful in the Thoth, for a variety of reasons. Be that as it may, it deals with material balance. The RWS version of this card is a man giving out money, knowing that as generous as he is, he will always have enough. For our purposes, the two cards that drain into this one have great bearing upon it. The strife of the Wands and the satisfaction of the Discs seem to cause a situation where you are happiest when the storm of ideas you have are channeled to constructive purposes. Not coincidentally, this fits in very well with the Six of Discs, attributed to Luna in Taurus. The Moon rules our subconscious, our dreams, inner inspirations and hidden gifts, but it is also quite an illusory influence. However, when the Moon is channeled into hard-working, plodding Taurus it becomes a wonderful thing. It is inspiration that is not allowed to run wild but is brought to fruition through work and practice. One could even say this is a very magickal card. Taurus is also ruled by Venus, so it not only understands the influence of the Moon, it also acts as a willing supplicant (let's just say I understand Taurus quite well!).

As you can see, the Tree of Life, when used properly, can yeild unending imformation. However, the downside is that a reading like this has no definite end. I can't really tell you specific things with this, but I got the feeling of making art of some kind, perhaps even cooking or gardening. Something that delights the physical senses seems to be the general direction. I don't really see any expectation of an audience, though; these things seem to be important just for you and your own fulfillment. As a bonus, I drew a card to represent your Malkuth, and I got the Priestess. Although there are a few steps missing between this one and the cards we looked at above the absence of which doesn't really allow for full analysis, I still see it as highly significant in that respect. Malkuth is the final solidification, the end result of all the elements intermingled. The Priestess is the Path of Gimel, leading to the dissolution of Keter. The fact that it is in Malkuth is interesting, it seems to imply that your own path leads down toward enjoyment of the physical, thereby attaing something spiritual. For you the physical is just as spiritual as the mental, and even work can be a meditative experience.

So, that's it for now, I'm afraid. I hope you enjoyed it, and sorry again about the delay. :) Thank you for choosing me to do your reading, I really enjoyed it!

For the others who also asked... alas, it takes me a week to do one, if only because I have trouble writing it down. I jot down notes by hand and then type it up. Another time I'll do more, or at least shorter ones.