A Common Quirk?


I hate it when anyone touches my decks. Though oddly, it doesn't bother me to receive a used deck - in fact I really love them. I feel like something of the previous owner “sticks” to them in a way, but so far have only felt positive energy from the decks I've gotten used.

And I also feel a strong compulsion to wash my hands thoroughly before touching a deck, even if my hands are already clean.

Another quirk: as soon as I get a new deck, I sort through all my bags and cloths to find something to “dress” it in. I feel like I can't use it unless it's comfy first.


it IS a ruffling feeling, Chronata (and to the others who responded!) I don't reorder the cards after using them, unless specifically studying that deck. But it drives me crazy to receive a deck that is not in order. And even when I am trading decks, I make sure my cards have been put in order, properly saged, tightly wrapped, and sent off with a prayer to behave and be good to their new caregiver ;)

CN, I shuffle tons too - it is ever so soothing...


But it drives me crazy to receive a deck that is not in order. And even when I am trading decks, I make sure my cards have been put in order

I like to put my decks in order before I send them to a new home, too! It bothers me to get decks that aren't in order. There may be trades I've done where I've forgotten to reorder a deck, but I try to do it every time. :)


I like to put my decks in order before I send them to a new home, too! It bothers me to get decks that aren't in order. There may be trades I've done where I've forgotten to reorder a deck, but I try to do it every time. :)

It has only happened to me a few times - but the first time it did, I was just positively gobsmacked! ;p it really put me off my Wheaties... ;( I was *so* disoriented! lol!


This thread has gotten to me too much... I took a nap a while ago and dreamed that I received a brand new deck with cards NOT in sequence. In the dream, I was furiously checking and counting them :laugh:


I've purchased many decks that aren't in order from the get-go, and it freaks me out because it often means that there will be two of one card, and none of another. Receiving a deck that's in order, on the other hand, signifies to me that the manufacturer has respect for his product and cares about its presentation. If all the cards end up being there in a jumbled deck, I'm okay with the deck - but wary of the publisher.

YES ! I have to order them at once to be sure (and the suits have to be in MY order too, which won't be anyone else's, but still) - and yes, Aces before twos.

I have learned to live with it for self published as quite often an artist's printing process and packing means they end up mixed - but major manufacturers do it all by machine anyway - so...


More or less as the rest of you say. I order any deck that I am selling or trading. But I do that to assure myself that all cards are present and in good shape. I had never thought that it might disconcert the recipient, but this is very good to know.

I have gotten decks somewhat or even completely out of order before. I do order them, but again, just to assure myself that all cards are present and undamaged.


Actually - I don't mind when the deck is a used one... NO idea why that is so. But I order them anyway and more so - in case anything is missing...


A new deck, yes, must be in order. I've never purchased a brand-new deck that wasn't in order though. Used, yes, & I will put that in order. Once. The thought of shufflingshufflingshuffling an ordered deck to completely randomize it ALL THE TIME boggles the mind. I don't know how many shuffles that would take but I think TarotBear would know - he's a wizard at statistics. When I get a new deck, after acclimation, I will randomize it by hand, each card individually placed in the deck sporadically, instead of simply shuffling, so I know no 2 cards will be together unless it was simply meant to be. I don't trust shuffling to *un*order it completely. So that's my quirk.