A card you "hate"?


I know, hate is a strong word, but is there a card that really pisses you off? Maybe it's one you pull up a lot, or maybe it's because you just don't connect to it, or maybe you don't like the message behind it?

In my case, it's the Knight of Swords, especially when he's reversed. I freakin' hate that guy, and I wonder why. Maybe because it's always some sort of uncomfortable news that he brings along, or I don't know, actually, that's not it, I'm never really sure what the dude is trying to say, but I always get so frustrated when I see him.

Do you have something like that?


Four of Cups

I hate it - the guy just sits there doing nothing like a spoilt brat! Some people hate the Devil but at least the Devil does something...


Three of Swords.

In the Waite deck there's no way it's visually represented as something positive. In the 9, you know the day's eventually coming and the nightmare will be over. In the 10, there's light on the horizon so it's not all bad. There's something about the passage of time assured in those ones.

How long will the grey day and the rain last? No idea. Those swords aren't coming out easily. Heartbreak, loneliness, despair. Whether you interpret it as something waning, something missing, something obstructing, a challenge to overcome, or anything else, it's the only overwhelmingly negative card in the entire deck to me. The design is too simple and too abstract to suggest otherwise, in fact it's the most abstract card in the deck, a pure, disembodied visual symbol with no context.

Every time I draw it I think, damnit. There's always something wrong somewhere, something overlooked or unrealized. I hate seeing it.


Right now, it's the Hierophant. I'll leave it at that because I don't want to rant haha!


In my case, it's the Knight of Swords, especially when he's reversed. I freakin' hate that guy, and I wonder why. Maybe because it's always some sort of uncomfortable news that he brings along, or I don't know, actually, that's not it, I'm never really sure what the dude is trying to say, but I always get so frustrated when I see him.

Do you have something like that?

No, not really. I love them all.

Perhaps he subconsciously reminds you of one of your own flaws. Or of someone who hurt you in the past. The whole idea of rushing off and acting before you think things through can be very hurtful.


I hate it - the guy just sits there doing nothing like a spoilt brat! Some people hate the Devil but at least the Devil does something...

Ugh. Definitely my second least favorite card. Total brat.


None. Lover them all. That is why I do tarot.


No, not really. I love them all.

Perhaps he subconsciously reminds you of one of your own flaws. Or of someone who hurt you in the past. The whole idea of rushing off and acting before you think things through can be very hurtful.

Not sure that's the case. I'm pretty aware of my flaws and like to face them, plus acting before thinking is so totally not me. I guess it might really just be the fact that he comes in as a sort of "destroyer of dreams" in my case. When I have high hopes for something, he shows up and kinda kills the dream. That's what he does in my case...


5 of Swords

I can't use the world hate but when the 5 of Swords comes up first in reading, I automatically think WHO... WHAT... WHERE... WHEN? :confused: I get kinda paranoid weird but that's just me I guess. :D


I wouldn't say I hate any card but I usually feel uneasy seeing the 7 of swords! But sometimes I'm a loner and sometimes I'm a snoop it's my bad side who likes to see that /: