Sabian Symbols Study Group: Aries Degree 12 - #12


tink27 said:
Could it be a tension created by these two states , cancels out these polar opposites to help us not only understand the Self but the Whole....a sense of raising up to create a new state of Oneness?
The singular person vs group cancels out to become part of the universe and the universe held within?

So with the title, that we are not just whole and complete within our inner self ....... but that when we join together with a flock ...... we help to make that whole too? Like the bubble thing in Aries 1?

Sorry tink, my brain is having a hard time working things out today!


huredriel said:
The singular person vs group cancels out to become part of the universe and the universe held within?

So with the title, that we are not just whole and complete within our inner self ....... but that when we join together with a flock ...... we help to make that whole too? Like the bubble thing in Aries 1?

Sorry tink, my brain is having a hard time working things out today!

Eek! I was in fact referring to mooncat2's picture and the polar opposites I noted in its image. By linking these two dimensions together, I was thinking we would then be able to see a stereo-view of reality.

When we begin our spiritual journey, most of us do break away from what is familiar, to find our own path. Now.....what would happen if a goose did break away from a group of flying geese. Would they all turn their heads to see and wonder where it was going. Definitely not. Doing so could endanger the progress of the whole group. They all would continue to look in one direction and fly without hesitation!

Now another way of looking at your a mathematical formula called The Golden Mean.....

The principles of The Golden Mean also work well in manufacturing and politics as well as economics......Communism lost power in Russia, possibly because of its enforced status quo that violated the balance life needs for growth.

Our 1st chakra (red) is connected to all community....symbolically the number 12 converts to everything. 12 tribes of Israel, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 disciples, 12 months of the year, 12 hours of the day twice, (24 = 6), and 12 primary magnetic fields of life. I'm sure the list goes on!

tink :love:


Thanks tink, I knew I wasn't expressing what I wanted properly!!! It was more along the lines of tying that in with the title of the symbol ...... how a goose or the self is complete in and of itself ........ yet when it comes together with the group/flock ..... it creates another whole ...... just a different form :) (hopefully I've expressed that a bit better LOL) ;)

On that link, the third picture along brought to mind the spider theme again ....... and again made me think of a group linking together to create a giant *web* - group efforts.

This bit also caught my eye:
Spiraling movement of consciousness from frequency to frequencies
12=1+2=3=-manifestation in third dimension, the physical realms


huredriel said:
Thanks tink, I knew I wasn't expressing what I wanted properly!!! It was more along the lines of tying that in with the title of the symbol ...... how a goose or the self is complete in and of itself ........ yet when it comes together with the group/flock ..... it creates another whole ...... just a different form :) (hopefully I've expressed that a bit better LOL) ;)

On that link, the third picture along brought to mind the spider theme again ....... and again made me think of a group linking together to create a giant *web* - group efforts.

You expressed it perfectly! We are each connected to each other and to every living thing on this planet. It's when our circuits are 'turned on', activated that our patterns then flow.

huredriel said:
This bit also caught my eye:
Spiraling movement of consciousness from frequency to frequencies
12=1+2=3=-manifestation in third dimension, the physical realms

This wonderful poem comes from

Three is a magic number,
Yes it is, it's a magic number.
Somewhere in the ancient, mystic trinity
You get three as a magic number.

The past and the present and the future.
Faith and Hope and Charity,
The heart and the brain and the body
Give you three as a magic number.

It takes three legs to make a tri-pod
Or to make a table stand.
It takes three wheels to make a ve-hicle
Called a tricycle.

Every triangle has three corners,
Every triangle has three sides,
No more, no less.
You don't have to guess.
When it's three you can see
It's a magic number.

A man and a woman had a little baby,
Yes, they did.
They had three in the family,
And that's a magic number.

3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.
3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.
Multiply backwards from three times ten:

Three time ten is (30), three times nine is (27),
Three times eight is (24), three times seven is (21),
Three times six is (18), three times five is (15),
Three times four is twelve,
And three times three is nine, and three times two is six,
And three times one is three of course.

Now take the pattern once more:
Three! . . .3-6-9
Twelve! . . .12-15-18
Twenty-one!. . .21-24-27. . .30

Now multiply from 10 backwards:
Three time ten is (30 - Keep going), three times nine is (27),
Three times eight is (24), three times seven is (21),
Three times six is (18), three times five is (15),
Three times four is twelve,
And three times three is nine, and three times two is six,
And three times one...
What is it?!
Yeah, That's a magic number.

A man and a woman had a little baby.
Yes, they did.
They had three in the family.
That's a magic number.

tink :love:


You know, as time goes by I believe more and more in synchronicity as opposed to coincidence ....... thanks for the synchronistic poem tink ;) ...... 3 indeed is magical :)


Synchronicity - nah - that's just a lot of hooha! <choke>

Here's just a wee snippet of the synchronicity between me and the new guy I'm dating:

1. Two of my very close girlfriends have brothers with the same name as him.

2. His father's first name is the same as my father's first name (though his father uses his middle name in preference to his first).

3. His father's middle name is the same as my step-father's first name (though my step-father also uses his middle name in preference to his first).

4. My step-father's middle name is the same as his brother's first name.

5. His brother's middle name is the same as my daughter's first name.

6. We both have two children. Our first born names start with L, our second borns names both start with J.

7. We used to live in the same street in Melbourne.

8. We have both been to the same music gigs on the same night, before we knew the other person existed (both locally, in Melbourne, and in a nearby town).

9. His sister died of pancreatic cancer the month before my mother died of pancreatic cancer.

10. His sister and my mum both had holiday houses in the same seaside resort town.

11. His sister was born on the same day as me (different year).

12. His sister died on the date my parents were married (different year).

13. His sister's name is the same as my girlfriend's name.

14. Her middle name is the same as my aunty's middle name.

15. Her son's name is the same as my aunty's daughter-in-law's name.

16. My girlfriend lives in the same number house as his birth date, and, her street name is his middle name. Her husband also died of pancreatic cancer, the year before his sister/my mum died of same thing.

17. I have the same six planets in the same zodiac signs (different houses though) to his best friend.

18. He bought me a teddy bear for my birthday and unbeknown to him, the bear's name is the same as a very good French male friend of mine (who I met here at ATF).

19. He has a reader's digest book sitting on his bed-side table. There are about five stories in that book. One title bears the same name as my niece's name. Another the last name of my girlfriend.

Um, yeah, there's more but that's just for starters!

with love


Wow! Purple_scorp this list is incredible. So many this relationship meant to be? It certainly looks that way, I've never known anyone to describe what you have shown here!!!

A fascinating and enjoyable read with my first cup of coffee!

Tink :love:


Hi tink,

Well, glass-bottomed boat boy (aka GoldMiner) and me also had a lot of synchronicity:

We were both born in Melbourne and now moved to NE Vic.

We both lived in a street of the same name, in small rural towns with a similar population (300-500 people).

The towns are both ex-gold mining towns.

When we met, our ex's both lived in the same small towns.

We were both master numbers.

We both got married the same year (two months apart), in rural towns, in a bed and breakfast.

When we met, we both had two children, (one boy, one girl) one aged 7 and one aged 9).

We both separated the same year (within one month of each other).

We both liked astronomy and owned telescopes.

We both liked the same kind of music in general but particularly this one obscure band.

We both talked to guides/angels.

We were both second-born children.

We both have facial moles and crooked smiles (that match when we kiss).

His second name is my step-father's second name.

My daughter's name is his daughter's second name.

His sister and I were both looking to buy the same church (we were both going to convert it to live in).

His sister bought a second-hand book for him on gold-mining in my town, before I'd had any contact with him. He'd never been to my town before we met.

He boarded a plane two weeks after we met (the first time he'd flown in about five years) and picked up the National in-flight magazine to find an article on my small town. My house is halfway up a hill. It talked about a monument (that is at the top of the hill that I live on) and a museum (that is at the bottom of the hill - so my house is halfway between the two).

with love


And, these are the synchronicities I shared with the guy before I met GoldMiner:

My first name is the same as his ex-wife's first name.

I am one of three sisters. Two of them are married to men with the same first name as him.

He is born on the same day and year as my oldest sister's husband.

I also have a step-brother with the same first name.

His middle name is my stepfather's first name.

His surname is my nephew's first name.

He first knew me by another name, so I told him to call me the initials of both names. Together they make the sound of his daughter's name.

We both have lived in Melbourne.

We both barracked for the same football team, though neither one follows the football anymore.

We are both born with the sun and mercury in the first house.

We are both water signs and deep thinkers.

He has the exact same initials as an ex-lover of mine, who is also a water sign.

Our mothers share the same birthday.

Our fathers are both Aquarians.

He told me I have exactly the same front teeth as his sister (and showed me a picture to prove it).

I have a book that lists every birthday and soul mates for each date. His birthdate was listed under mine as a soul mate.

Then, I found a website where you could have a free destiny reading. It said that I owed a karmic debt to a 9 of clubs.

I looked up his birthdate and name and he is a 9 of clubs.


There's definitely no such thing as coincidence!

with love


Wow PS ......... although I don't know much about the current one ........ I know that you *learnt* so many valuable things with Goldminer ....... for your own growth (sorry, foot in mouth disease, I mean it in the nice way LOL ;)) ........ and you know, looking to the title of the symbol here ........ how apt as well .......... wild geese if you will ......... coming together to create the flock wouldn't you say?