...and Crowley be thy Name


hehehe Kwaw -Do the French eat Toads? Anyways smarty- pants (I am not name calling thats an adjective!) as you have most likely gathered I was speaking metaphorically or rather metonymically: read Knowledge for Toad- he had a sorry end all by himself- food for thought eh? ~Rosanne


jmd said:
To those who see in the spiritual world but psychological dispositions and of 'philosophical principles' mere mental concepts, there are apologetics that are offered for Crowley's own clearer views as expressed in such a 'textbook' as his Magick in Theory and Practice.

"The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain.
Their seals therefore represent (Mr. Spencer's projected cube) methods of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (through the eye).
The names of God are vibrations calculated to establish:
(a) General control of the brain. (Establishment of functions relative to the subtle world.)
(b) Control over the brain in detail. (Rank or type of the Spirit.)
(c) Control of one special portion. (Name of the Spirit.)
The perfumes aid this through smell. Usually the perfume will only tend to control a large area; but there is an attribution of perfumes to letters of the alphabet enabling one, by a Qabalistic formula, to spell out the Spirit's name.
I need not enter into more particular discussion of these points; the intelligent reader can easily fill in what is lacking.
If, then, I say, with Solomon:
"The Spirit Cimieries teaches logic," what I mean is:
"Those portions of my brain which subserve the logical faculty may be stimulated and developed by following out the processes called 'The invocation of Cimieries.'"
And this is a purely materialistic rational statement; it is independent of any objective hierarchy at all. Philosophy has nothing to say; and Science can only suspend judgment, pending a proper and methodical investigation of the facts alleged."
THE INITIATED INTERPRETATION OF CEREMONIAL MAGIC by Aleister Crowley as Introduction to the Goetia.



Lillie said:
Yeah. That's what I mean.

The sweetest pussy cat you ever saw...

And everything is either horrid or silly.

Levi connected card XV the devil with Baphomet, an idol the Templars were accused of worshipping in some accounts in the form of a cat.

"Some confessed that they had also worshipped an idol in the form of a cat, which was red, or gray, or black, or mottled. Sometimes the idol worship required kissing the cat below the tail."



kwaw said:
"Some confessed that they had also worshipped an idol in the form of a cat, which was red, or gray, or black, or mottled. Sometimes the idol worship required kissing the cat below the tail."

Thank providence that I like Champagne pink Manx cats. No moggies for me. Mind you I would probably say anything with a red hot poker in parts unmentionable or relaxing on a rack.~Rosanne


Rosanne said:
Thank providence that I like Champagne pink Manx cats. No moggies for me. Mind you I would probably say anything with a red hot poker in parts unmentionable or relaxing on a rack.~Rosanne

Crowley describes the path of Atout XV the 'Devil' in The Wake World in terms of the witches Sabbath.

A path then perhaps relating to indulgence in inversive and transgressive practice?

Satan means 'the accuser', and in the Witches Sabbath we find a catalogue of typical accusations used by the Church against templars, gnostics, cathars, albigensians, jews or whatever witchhunt was current at the time. It is a concept of the accuser rather than the practice of the accused. A place then not perhaps just of the 'demonic', but also of the tendency to demonise the other, to dehumanise one's enemies as a prelude to their destruction.



Lillie said:
And everything is either horrid or silly.

Perhaps that is one of the points the 'demon' Crowley was trying to make?



Rosanne said:
hehehe Kwaw -Do the French eat Toads?

No - but neither did Crowley [it was a frog I believe, tastes like chicken I've been told].

Rosanne said:
food for thought eh? ~Rosanne

Like fish you mean?



Rosanne said:
Thank providence that I like Champagne pink Manx cats. No moggies for me. ~Rosanne

Why? Do their bums taste better:p

No! No! No!
Don't let her fool you.
She seems nice enough,
I know she nurses,
yet I have a notion
her cat carries curses.
I wouldn't eat with her
I warn you!
Is that a cooking pot or cauldron?
That lard an ointment
her wine a potion!
No! No! No!
Don't sleep with her, I warn you!
And be her ride by night?
Her ticket to satanic rites,
her magic monthly sabbath flight!
Would you lose your soul for this?
Risk damnation in hell's abyss?
Palsy your lips in an obscene Kiss?
No! No! No!
Reject the sirens call to bed
Come spend your time in mine instead;)

Just a friendly warning to good looking men everywhere.

"Sometimes the idol worship required kissing the cat below the tail."


We will get smacked for being totally off topic- but as Manx cats have not a tail I am halfway safe as I have nothing to guide me to said spot without my glasses on. I need glasses to read invocation before act. So no I cannot tell you -to answer your question. ~Rosanne
Edited to add : Promises, promises nothing but promises- just like pie crust :p