Two times Failure


Before doing my weekly "Energy Reading" I did a quick ready asking The Thoth if it wanted to tell my anything - I got:

7oD - 5oD - Hermit

Then I did my Energy Reading, that looks like this:

* 3 *
1 0 2
* 4 *

0. Overall energy/Majors
1. Energy of Fire/Wands
2. Energy of Water/Cups
3. Energy of Air/swords
4. Energy of Earth/Disks

In the place of Disks I had 7oD. That sort of made me shiver. I did shuffle, yet I somehow "knew" it would turn up again.
(The others were Magician, PsoW, KoS, 8oC)

And that card has turned up frequently for some time,
Like as I should be pointed towards something.

Now, what am I missing? Wherin lays my failure? I'm asking my self.

My own take on this is that the "Failure" is about being reluctant to go behind the "curtain", the dead branches, and get into the swamp. Lack of courage, perhaps.

I feel that is about something that I didn't do or fail to do, or fail to acknowledge, not something that I did.

As for the first reading I think the failure is about worrying too much, maybe to dig deeper, that I should really be scrutinising my Self.

For the second reading I could superficially say that I'm low of energy (and money at this time of the month ;o) and that I'm having a cold) ... but since this card keeps appearing - I think it about a deeper and more serious matter.

I'm sorry if this should have been in the "Your readings"-category.

I also could have posted in the is "Failure about Failure" thread - but somehow I'm not doubting that there *is* a failure - I just don't really know what it could be.

I would be grateful if any of you have the guts to give me an opinion - there is something about that card that just isn't that much appealing, I'll admit that - to put it mildly ;o) But anything will be appreciated.

Yours truly, Gazel.


7 Disks

I think the failure (7 Disks) here is that you are spending so much time analyzing that you are not doing, not taking any leaps, any actions. You said as much yourself in your post, so you knew it:)


Dear balenciaga

balenciaga said:
I think the failure (7 Disks) here is that you are spending so much time analyzing that you are not doing, not taking any leaps, any actions. You said as much yourself in your post, so you knew it:)

Yes, I think that you're absolutely right about that.
I just can not figure out exactly what sort of action 7oD wants of me.
I need to work on that.

Yours truly,
