3 of swords & page of cups reversed


3 sword & page cup reversed

I was doing a spread for myself this morning, it's a relationship question.
This is a past love which rebirths again. I asked "what should I do to make our relationship develop better? " then I got cards :

X (wheel) reversed
8 sword reversed
3 sword
page cup reversed

I try to read the message of the last 2 cards and I read as " Don't hurt someone's heart/ " or " do hurt the fragile love in beginning" . in fact , I have troubles with the reversed cards, can someone give me some advice?


Hi, rosemaryh!
I'd just like to give a few suggestions about the last 2 cards in your reading.

The 3 of Swords tells of major incompatibilities in a relationship. You and your partner may be on completely different wavelengths and may be unable to see eye to eye on many different subjects. These differences are working to pull the two of you apart.

Pages have a lot to do with communication. The Page of Cups is about open and effective communication in relationships. In a reversed position, it tells that there's a lack of good communication between you and your partner.

In general, I think the cards you drew may be telling you that getting into a relationship with this person again may not be worth the effort. But, I think you could improve the relationship by working on communicating better with your partner. Make your best attempt at keeping the peace, keeping the arguing to a minimum, and addressing your problems with your partner right away, instead of talking about things later on after they've built up.

I hope that helps!
