3 of Swords - and sex!


In love and sex, truth is a three-edged sword.

One side is your truth, the other side is their truth, and the third side is the truth.

I can't remember where this came from but it's someone else's original thought. . It just floated through my mind a minute ago :D


Serial heartbreak?????

Torn between three lovers, feeling like a fool
Lovin’ all of you is breakin’ all the rules

Torn between three lovers, feeling like a fool
Lovin’ all of you is breakin’ all the rules ....


The position of the card was not about sexual orientation, but about compatibility, so going off on that tangent might lead to interesting discussions which however won't help here ;)

My question would be - which DECK was it? and how was the card represented?

There might be clues in the image no remembered meanings of the cards can tell us?

Simone *the perpetual defender of intuitive reading by the image* ;)


Sorry Simone. It is hard when you don't have the other cards, and it is hard not to be light hearted despite those gruesome three daggers.


Sexual orientation, does not affect compatibility?
It could be off on a tagent.

I love northwinds reply, it reminds me of the sweet sorrow which walks along side of loving relationships- it's contained in the whole- it goes hand in hand. Weather it's missing a partner or longing for a partner are even yet ones own unmet desires of a partner you truly love- the sorrow is there.

Simone said:
The position of the card was not about sexual orientation, but about compatibility, so going off on that tangent might lead to interesting discussions which however won't help here ;)

My question would be - which DECK was it? and how was the card represented?

There might be clues in the image no remembered meanings of the cards can tell us?

Simone *the perpetual defender of intuitive reading by the image* ;)


Northwind said:
In love and sex, truth is a three-edged sword.

One side is your truth, the other side is their truth, and the third side is the truth.

I can't remember where this came from but it's someone else's original thought. . It just floated through my mind a minute ago :D

Perhaps her truth, his truth and THE truth are incompatible?


of course sexual orientation can affect compatibility - what I mean was that that was not the original question ;)

And i still think knowing which deck and how the card looks would be interesting ;) not every deck has the same daggers, the same degree of sorrow in the card, and not every deck even has the heart pierced!

All of those discussions, to me, are nice in theory, but still and in every case, I'd say the deck is important in the interpretation...


YDM42 said:
I love northwinds reply, ireminds me of the sweet sorrow which walks along side of loving relationships- it's contained in the whole- it goes hand in hand. Weather it's missing a partner of longing for a partner are even desire- the sorrow is there.

Yes, I like where you've taken that!


Now, isn't there another song .....

Take these swords from my heart and set me free.....eeee!

One partner could have too great expectations of the other.


Lyric said:
I'd just point to the cards that MIGHT indicate these things, but I'd be careful to say that even though these cards might possibly suggest something like that, that a tarot card reading isn't the venue for drawing those conclusions and then I'd point out a few other things those cards could also mean that wouldn't point to infidelity or bisexuality or whatever. That would leave the querent to make up their own minds without me, the reader, having planted a stick of dynamite in their relationship when it could very well be wrong.
Well Lyric you have spoken my thoughts well. Thank you. In my mind it is fine to be theoretical about different aspects of cards- in this case sexual aspects; I have no prudish thoughts or confrontational views about the subject at all. Nor do I think one should not explore all possibilities and aspects of life in general with Tarot. I am just concerned about the actual practice of reading sexuality issues to querents who ask relationship questions. Of course it is alright if the querent said "my husband/wife is bi-sexual and I need some strategies to cope with this or understand etc" You can explore that with Tarot- but to make the decision that a card indicates that of a person, then speak that assumption out, is very dangerous
In the thread that was closed the thread poster said this-
People can lie about why they are using tarot and on whom. We will never know the truth on why people are using or learning tarot in general. Frankly, I do not care. I am here to learn how to interprete cards. Now if I indirectly help to interprete cards for someone who is invading someone else's privacy or someone doing something unethical...frankly that has absolutely nothing to do with me.
This is true in many respects except for the denial of responsibility.
On a lighter note, I could be convinced if someone can come up with likely questions that would require me to look the spread on a purely sexual basis and was not asking about a third party. ~Rosanne