Death and The Magician


I was just doing a quick reading on what someone thinks of me. First card was Death and it was clarified by The Magician. (Deck is Druidcraft)

In a way, aren't those two similar, but different? Both have the ability to transform...except Death is an inevitable transformation, while The Magician can transform at will, if he chooses.

Combining those two Majors together, however, what does it mean this person thinks of me? They think I've changed into The Magician? I've stopped being like The Magician? I've changed into an all poweful being? LOL. :p That makes me sound like She-Ra! Since I doubt they think of me as She-Ra, what could these cards combined mean?

Any feedback is appreciated.



Death plus the Magician

Since I don't know the circumstances or the people involved this may sound too negative, but that combination looks as though this someone feels your relationship has reached an impasse. He or she may feel that you have deceived him/her.



they might think you are very attractive (magician) and a potential sexual partner (death). does this sound like a possibility?



I would imagine your interpretation is a definite possibility...but does it matter that Death came first before The Magician? Otherwise, if I'm over-thinking it (very possible!), I'll go with what you said--I prefer the sound of that to my own version of doom and gloom. ;)



it's probably better this way around. death means you made a definite impact on someone, your presence in their life is transformative in the widest possible sense (although i feel there is a definite sexual element there - like a certain look across the dinner table), which caused the attraction. i don't know the context. but if it's someone you're after then the magician would suggest that they see you in the dominant role, so you will have to make the first move. (i'm giving advice here that i'm too scared to follow myself.)


I wouldn't do a reading on what someone else thinks of me, but rather what do I need to know about it.

Death and the Magician are similar in the the Magician is at the beginning and Death is at the end, one thing changes or dies and another begins.

Death is 13, 1+3 = 4. 4 is the number of the elements that the Magician has at his disposal in order to begin something new.

I would say the ending of something with this other person is the fertile foundation for whatever new thing is coming to pass, perhaps by your own will.

Just my small .02



That's hilarious. It's easier to give advice, I know...but if this someone is counting on me making the move, forget it. Not happening. Not my style. :)

FearfulSymmtery...that's a great numerological way of looking at it.


Pocono Platypus


You wrote: "In a way, aren't those two similar, but different? Both have the ability to transform...except Death is an inevitable transformation, while The Magician can transform at will, if he chooses."

I think about this word -- "inevitable" -- and death usually comes up as the only thing that is inevitable, but everything else has some will or choice in it, although maybe only a small amount.

Small things, within a certain context, are also inevitable. If a problem has no solution, then it's not really a problem.

The work is to know what goes under Death, and what goes under Magician -- what you must accept and what you can change

What is inevitable is not really worth bothering about -- for instance, if a giant meteorite was headed towards Earth and all existence will be destroyed -- there wouldn't be much sense in making plans.