Two of Wands


I have a little difficulty with interpreting this card because it doesn't seem to 'stand' out in any way for me. It would seem that somone is emerging from the darkness into the light and perhaps having the confidence to move on especially with the hierophant behind him. Does this make sense?


Which deck are you using? I've missed it if you've mentioned it somewhere.

The deck for me that is the clearest in the two of wands is the Gilded Tarot. It's very obvious that there are two paths to choose from. A decision to be made.

The Gothic tarot has two wands crossing and to me that also says choices.

With some of the other decks, I can see where nothing really stands out

Barbaras Ahajusts

Link to check out

This is our beloved Thirteens contributions to the Aeclectic Tarot Forum. Be sure to bookmark it. I simply adore what she has done.
She has even posted the reversals to all of them!

Welcome to the AT, Sonbon! Look forward to seeing more of you!



two of wands

I am using the Mythic Deck and whilst I try and study the card I always find difficulty in understanding its placing in the spread.


Sonbon said:
I am using the Mythic Deck and whilst I try and study the card I always find difficulty in understanding its placing in the spread.
Try placing your reading in the Your Readings forum below and give your interpretations. Others will add to what you say and help you with their thoughts about what the card may mean in your spread.

My feeling about this one in the Mythic deck is that you've got Jason standing there holding the two wands (symbolically, to me, his two different ideas of which way to proceed--i.e. his two goals which have been propelled from the Ace of Wands potential, and if this deck were based on modern days, they might be represented by two light bulbs over his head. :) But they didn't have electricity back then in mythology days).

He's got the Centaur behind him in the cave...and yes, I agree that Centaur is the same image from the Hierophant card. So, that says to me that his ideas or goals are probably both good, both have merit, and probably both were developed from the age-old and well-tested knowledge represented by the Hierophant...but now he has to decide which path to take.

Because of the conventionality or wisdom of the Centaur (Hierophant) behind him, I think that either goal or idea has a good chance of "making it". But he has to choose one path because he can't do both, and he has to set the energy into motion to reach that goal.

(Then he gets to the Three of Wands, where he has set the energy in motion, has seen some good beginning results and is then waiting for [the rest of] his ships to come in.)


Wands are about vital creative energy and its deployment (it's also about sexual aerngy - the libido). While the Ace shows a big bang of energy, which will need to be shaped and channelled, the 2 shows the time when energy is husbanded while you make a plan. It can involve choices between two (or more) options or a simple time of waiting and reflection. It's a bit like the meditation at the beginning of a martial arts session - you can't release energy if you haven't first marshalled it.

This will eventually lead you to the Three of Wands, which is where the energy is first released into a creative endeavour. The choice, if there was one, has been made, and you are beginning to commit to a course of action, though you might still be trying out actively a lot of different routes to your destination.

In the Mythic, the Wands suit follows the story of Jason and the Argonauts. In the 2 of Wands, Jason goes to see the centaur Chiron, reputed for his prophecies, to see if his idea of obtaining the golden fleece will be successful. In other words, he's laying the groundwork for his great adventure. And that is really what the 2 of Wands is about - laying the groundwork.

Some people get stuck in that place, never move on, and keep wishing they could - they daydream about other, more active lives. They are wasting their energy, and a 2 of Wands in its negative interpretation could well show someone who makes lots of plans but never acts on them, and waste their vital creative energy, their libido or their imagination.

For the moment, while you are learning, I'd forget that Chiron is also featured in the Hierophant card in the Mythic - it will only confuse you. Later, when you are more assured, you can start incorporating that fact in readings. But it is very specific to the Mythic Tarot.