a strange spread that digs deep


I just tried out this spread and got very interesting results, it's definitely gonna be used often :)


Good one!

I am going to try this tonight. I like it thanks!:thumbsup:


what a wonderful spread, I like it a lot... the hidden question, Wow, was great!!!


Hi,I still have not to actually propperly introduce my self..

First i think this spread is amazing!!!. I could have been come up with any hidden question, but neve like this...

I have a feeling, when i looked at the spread. Could the question be asked by someone whom i was thinking about??Thus being the querent(1)(?(Swords 7 Rev, although i do not think of deliberate deceiving,but more uncontroled non serving thoughts controling her life and walking away with this, which I written to her in a letter, in a decent way) nr3. Pent queen, which I think, is her when i think of her in amost positive way.. She is denying me from her life, though i think we should be needing eachother(Well that's just me...)
asking this hidden question(4)??? Or is this information given in the spread from her about me coincidence?

What a spread


Just tried this spread - it is really nice. And then I tried it again with my Transparent Tarot deck and found that it works well when you overlay it out in 3 pairs and then a 4th pair if you want an outcome card.
CI 1 + 2 - your perception and another view
CI 3 + 4 - The answer and the question
CI 5 + 6 - Give up this and create that
and then a 4th
CI 7 + 8 - Outcome and advice

Thank you for the spread.


Oh I have the perfect question for this spread. I am going to try it out tonight.


I am soo adding this to my repretoire!

Since you made the spread (or at least presented it), do you think you could comment if i post a reading of mine in Your Readings?