
Tarotlyn, thanks for sharing your flourites. It makes me want to run in the other room and grab a stone of my own that I especially like to hold. I also know what you mean about some crystals going with cards; one of my decks has her own little amethyst that she likes in her velvet bag with her.

Morticia Monroe; interesting you should post the link for Jim Coleman mining. I'm having what I'm referring to as a "crystal calling" these days and it's leading to that very mine.

Here's the backstory - 1) had a wonderful dream several weeks ago about these big, gorgeous quartz crystals, 2) that same day I got an email about a class on crystals to be held that week, 3) learned in the class that you can mine your own in Arkansas - where we happen to be going next week for a wedding - and 4) surfed on the net to check out a mine and found Jim Coleman's amazing website. I can hardly wait!


Mellaenn said:
...Here's the backstory - 1) had a wonderful dream several weeks ago about these big, gorgeous quartz crystals, 2) that same day I got an email about a class on crystals to be held that week, 3) learned in the class that you can mine your own in Arkansas - where we happen to be going next week for a wedding - and 4) surfed on the net to check out a mine and found Jim Coleman's amazing website. I can hardly wait!

It is really a small world...I hope you have a lot of fun...I have been to
Arkansas and dug up my own crystals as well as bought cutting tables full...
That is one of the most wonderful things you will ever do in your life!!!


p.s. thanks to everyone else for liking my new fluorites...just wanted to share
with you in case you might want some too. I didn't list the ebay seller,
because they don't get them very often at all...at least not that large.
Thanks morticia monroe for listing that great site!:heart:


Tarotlyn those are BEAUTIFUL! :D

I love Fluorite too~
My favorite rosary to use is one I made from 8mm green fluorite beads~


Briar Rose

The fluorites are huge! I love them. I want to go and pull one from the earth.