What type of job or field defined by Seven of wands?


I work in very broad field and can move from one type of job into another. There are many different options that the company I work for offers. So I got seven of wands for what team/group/office I should apply for to be happy? The guy in the cards doesnt look particularly happy. The only thing I can think of is working directly with customers and defending/representing our company/product. Ideas?


I usually see the 7 of Wands to be courage, taking on a challenge, and defending your position. So I like your interpretation of being client-facing and presenting your product. And don't think of the guy as looking unhappy (you asked what would make you happy, after all), think of him as looking tough and formidable!

Other ideas: Putting yourself in challenging sales situations; Giving presentations to win reluctant people over; Being part of the strategy team for how to trounce the competition...


Seven of Wands as a job/career

Hmm.. I always see the Seven of Wands as competition with the advantage. So, I would think you need to chose a position where you have the advantage. While it does look like the person is successfully fighting off people, I also see it as doing something where you lead. Where you are in charge, where you feel you are at an advantage. Meaning doing something that makes you happy and helps you grow. Being at the advantage so that you are happy, get promoted, or whatever your goals are within the company. It says to me that you should chose something that puts you in the lead, that gives you the advantage.

I could see this as an attorney, boss, team leader, doing something you love, HR, etc.

Best of luck with everything! :heart:


The only thing I can think of is working directly with customers and defending/representing our company/product. Ideas?

I could see that also, but only if it made you happy and gave you some sort of advantage. {bonus, happy, promotion, less hours/more pay, loving the type of work/job, or all of those}.


Bloody hard work. One obstacle after another. The daily grind, with the emphasis on grind. Manual labour, perhaps, or at least a hated and unsatisfying job.


The first thought that came to my mind just reading the thread title was security guard doing duty during Black Friday at Walmart. Isn't that what they call that big hoard that converges the day after Thanksgiving? Security guard at Toys R Us or any other popular store would work, too.