How Active is the Gothic Tarot Forum?


In the past week I have started studying this beautiful deck. And to my surprise I even had something to add to certain cards.
I hope that the study group will get more active, it certainly made me smile when I saw how many topics from this study group were in the first page thanks to commenting.
When I get back from my vacation I will continue.


My deck arrived on Saturday and I finally shuffled it this morning...laid out the New Deck Spread and felt quite content with the message thrown in front of me; knowing that I need to work with this deck in order to learn what it has to offer, I would like to throw out an idea...

Would any of you be interested in doing some studies similar to the studies going on over in the Fey study group??? We could taylor them for the Gothic--darker side???

Let me know what you think--


September Pixie

I'm interested :)


Any activity that occurs out here draws the attention of those of us who have participated here don't be surprised if your posts generate even more responses.


Septemberpixie and Merc....

Wonderful!!!!!! I will try to come up with we are not copying the Fey studies...and a little more geared around the gothic!!!! Hope we can stir up some of the "others" as well!!!

Any ideas...feel free to pm me or post here and we can come up with something fun!!!!!!



I think it would be very cool if there could be some exercises around cards that involve fiction. For example: What happened in the moments just before the image was 'frozen'? How did things lead up to the image?
Or you could try to feel how the persons on the card are, how they would move, reacto to other people, how they would talk. But I guess some people here did write some bits about that when discussing the different cards.



Thank you for sharing your ideas! I am working on putting something together and hopefully will have a study posted by this weekend...hope to see you participating with us!!!


September Pixie

thats a really interesting thread Alissa! I'm gonna have to grab my deck and see what I can find :D


ol_crazy_Legs said:
Well i was wondering how active this forum actually is, Ive seen a total of about 5 ppl on it. Jst seeing whos all out there


I just got this deck on Monday. I'm still feeling my way through the deck. What it has been great for so far is put a picture to my emotions when my emotions are very strong. When I'm annoyed or frustrated or ecstatic I pull a card and take a look and I can "see" what my emotions look like based on the image of the card I pull. Helps me get a handle on myself. I was annoyed to all get up when I came home today and I pulled the Hermit card. And yep that's how I'm feeling.....speak to the hand LOL.

The cards are like mirrors for me. I can see what my strong emotions look like and something about actually "seeing" my emotions verses feeling them helps me get focused and get grounded.