The meaning of the FISH card in love readings

ana luisa

For those who are very good at Lenormand interpretation, what would Fish mean in terms of romance ? I keep getting it and it has absolutely NO relation with money or finances. Help !!


:heart::) ...never would say that I am 'good' at Lenormand readings or meanings,

...but would like to be of help here, if possible...

When you keep getting the fish card in your relationship readings, it might just mean that
there is a *very deep* (deep as the ocean) bond or connection going on.
Although maybe very emotional, it is probably mostly a positive card in love readings.

Maybe you have to watch out being too involved in a relationship, when you see the fish card
(head over heels in deep water! LOL) At any rate, it will indicate a deepness of emotions involved.

:heart: Hugs,


for love it could be a business man or woman could be your future love or a romantic relationship with. Also it could indicate someone in your work place, someone you work with :)


...or even a 'small biz owner'... a totally independent type of person...

...could even be a free lance photographer...LOL

ana luisa

Thank you tarotlyn and danieljuk! :) It might be the depth tarotlyn talked about. There is no work involved, no business, in fact nothing even remotely linked to money/business/workplace. The person is not working either. That's why I got a bit angry. Almost ALL the books readings I had about the Lenormand cards see the Fish as money and/or work related. I believe that there HAS to be thousands of other possible meanings for it;

-very deep (I won't forget this one!)
-a lot of fish in the sea.
-getting wet (this is a funny one; in English is has sexual connotations but in Portuguese it can mean taking risks)
-drenching in emotions
- like a fish out of water
-a cold fish
-something "fishy"

and many more. I know of many purists that would kill if they saw the meanings being twisted like this :laugh: I remember once I read the ship in a relationship as "that ship has sailed"and it fit. Thing is , when you're reading for yourself, things get muddled. Thank you again for your help. Extra input will be VERY appreciated. :)


I'm not sure if this is helpful, but I believe I once read that the Fish equates to money because Fish (as food, as resource) often *sustained* people quite literally. Think of "give a person a fish vs. teach her to fish," "loaves and fishes," etc. Many of the Lenormand meanings seem to come from these types of antiquated associations.

Anyway, might the idea of "sustenance" apply here?


For those who are very good at Lenormand interpretation, what would Fish mean in terms of romance ? I keep getting it and it has absolutely NO relation with money or finances. Help !!
Lenormand interpretation is a very specialized technique, and purists insist on going by the book (whatever the 'book' is). Personally I find the images to be especially stimulating to the intuition, more so than Tarot in some ways. A fish has the shape of the Vesica Piscis symbol, which suggests sex and procreation, and of course fish are considered to be especially prolific. There is also the reference to Christianity in the Greek word ichthus (fish) as an acronym, which is responsible for many people defacing their automobiles with fish stickers. There are lots of other interpretations, but I'm running out of steam at the moment.


For those who are very good at Lenormand interpretation, what would Fish mean in terms of romance ? I keep getting it and it has absolutely NO relation with money or finances. Help !!

It does have a traditional (sorry, I'm a purist and go by the book LOL otherwise I may very well use tea leaves not Lenormand ) love meaning: catch for singles, it's a card of success, abundance as well, so it will signify abundant feelings or emotions. I've most often seen it as abundance of emotions, and deep ones. If near a person card in a single person's reading it's usually the "catch" the querent is after and naturally, surrounded by good cards, the hunting is successful. And so on. In a couple's reading it very well shows as abundant feelings, and deep ones too. It's a good card.

To mean independence, the Fish is accompanied by the Tower, the Fox, or the Mountain. With the Clover in the mix it's about happy solitude and independence but not for long. With the Rider it's a joy of being single and free with no intention to change it.

P.S. What brings me the shivers is not how people will twist the meaning of the cards but the final results. A huge mess in which even they don't know what a card means in their own readings. I've never seen a Tarot reader taking the Fool for the Emperor, for example. It's a very precise language, Lenormand, not so difficult to learn. Tarot too. I read both systems and these are my impressions.


I'm not going anywhere near the traditional-versus-intuitive controversy, but it seems to me that if even if you wanted to stick with "money," you could probably find a way to make it work in a reading even if it doesn't seem on the surface that money is involved.

It's hard to imagine any kind of love relationship that doesn't somehow involve money. Do the couple share finances? Do they not share finances and there is an imbalance (for example one makes a lot more than the other, or they are from different socioeconomic classes)? (The same issues can apply even if it's a future relationship being contemplated.) Is there potential difficulty over a gift, or engagement ring, costing too much, or not enough? Do the two people involved value the same things? Do they have the same approach to money and valuable things? If they have a different approach, is that a good thing (they balance out the negative qualities in each other) or a bad thing (leading to quarrels)? Is one of the two people in debt and keeping it a secret? Is there a problem with gambling, or excessive spending on Lenormand decks? ;)

The subject of money/finances is an enormous part of any relationship, and it doesn't have to be a married couple for it to be an issue; it could still be an issue even if the couple has only recently met or hasn't even met yet. The surrounding cards can give clues as to what the potential issues might be.

Edited to add: I see you did indicate the querent is not working. There's an issue right there. Could the fact that he/she isn't working cause a conflict with the prospective lover? Will the prospective lover not want to get involved with someone who isn't making their own living and who they might have to end up lending money to?

ana luisa

Thank you for the replies . They've been quite insightful and helpful :thumbsup: As I expected, it is quite subjective to each reader... Ronia, I know you´re one of the experts in Lenormand here at AT so I do apologise for having used the word purist. It is by no means derrogatory. It's just that sometimes, what was created to provide the basis for learning becomes a leash. You know what I mean? I understand the risk of going "all over the place" when your meanings are not well assimilated. But I'm sure you appreciate the value of intuition in using the Lenormand, don't you ? I seem to be plagued by getting non-romantic cards in romance readings. I have lost count of the times the Emperor showed for romance where no man was involved. Let alone rules/regulations :laugh: