The meaning of the FISH card in love readings


Addicted to love: always wanting more. With negative cards or a relevant question, Fish can indicate substance abuse/addiction.


I think with fish the meaning 'Money' is a good starting point - it has lots of relationship connections.
These are money words but they also are used in relationships.
Money: Shares / Beneficiary / Loan / Finance / Investment / Credit / Fortune / Interest / Securities...
Relationship: Share / benefit / Lone / Fiance / Invest / Credit / Fortunate / Interest / Security...

Depends which card of relationship you are pairing this Fish with, but I hope that sort of explains what I'm trying to convey.


Fish can also mean "many." Occasionally it represents food - a meal. For instance, Fish+Rider can mean fast food or an entrepreneur - either of which can be metaphors for something going on in a relationship. (Also a check in the mail, etc., etc.)

A lot depends on if Fish is the subject/noun or adjective/modifier. Rider+Fish can mean good monetary news, a rich man (Rider is sometimes the 'significant other' in gay relationships), or many deliveries or visitors.


Fish can also mean "many." Occasionally it represents food - a meal. For instance, Fish+Rider can mean fast food or an entrepreneur - either of which can be metaphors for something going on in a relationship. (Also a check in the mail, etc., etc.)

A lot depends on if Fish is the subject/noun or adjective/modifier. Rider+Fish can mean good monetary news, a rich man (Rider is sometimes the 'significant other' in gay relationships), or many deliveries or visitors.

Yes, I see the relevance of the dominant card - I would add 'bulk' to that maybe as well (just my take ;)).
When I see the fish card, I see my Golden Koi - they have grown so big and 'bulky' and the first thing people do when they see them is go 'wow! they're huge, and they're beautiful' They have that richness about them - they actually glisten like metal when the sun hits their scales in the water.


depending on the wording of the question

I could easily see it as a lucky in love type card. If someone was considering their prospects for the rest of the year, I would generally go with lucky or successful, but it would depend on the cards before and after it.


For those who are very good at Lenormand interpretation, what would Fish mean in terms of romance ? I keep getting it and it has absolutely NO relation with money or finances. Help !!

It could represent a Piscean type of relationship, or that you look at relationships as a business transaction instead of lovey-dovey stars in your eyes.


And fish can be slimy and they swim in schools, and we fry them, and Pisces is ruled by Neptune, which is the most mystical planet with a tendency to artistic sensibilities, addiction and co-dependency.

Personally, I find that Lenormand works much more precisely when the meanings are emblematic and limited, rather than consisting of all associations that one can make to the card. But that's just my personal preference after trying it the other way. Each reader has to decide if they want to work with standard meanings or make up their own.


For those who are very good at Lenormand interpretation, what would Fish mean in terms of romance ? I keep getting it and it has absolutely NO relation with money or finances. Help !!

I just did a reading on what worries a woman who is in a very dysfunctional relationship, and the Fish card came up after Mice and before Book at the end of the Line.

Originally, I thought that there would be some hidden (Book) money (Fish) issues that would bring loss (Mice) of money, but then when she said that she did not believe that money was an issue, it came to me that the Fish were probably talking about her feelings and emotions: Anxiety (Mice) about hidden (Book) feelings (Fish).

Being that this was at the end of the line, it told me that she was going to have to deal with these secret feelings she does not want to address, or she would only go on to worry more from here on out.


Personally, I find that Lenormand works much more precisely when the meanings are emblematic and limited, rather than consisting of all associations that one can make to the card. But that's just my personal preference after trying it the other way. Each reader has to decide if they want to work with standard meanings or make up their own.

I agree; because I am originally a Tarot reader, I have found that I have to push myself to see the Lenormand cards as physical, literal entities when they come up as such in a reading. I tend to drift more towards the symbolic meanings of the cards than anything else.