Balancing Act Spread


Another one from the Shadowscapes Companion that I like.


1 YOU: This card shows you something you need to know about yourself in this situation. It can be how you are positively or negatively affecting the situation or how it is affecting you.

2 CREATING: This card shows you what is in the process of being created. This could be something tangible or intangible. It could be what you intended to create, or it could be something you weren’t expecting.

3 DESTROYING: This card shows what is in the process of being destroyed. This could be something tangible or intangible. It could be what you intended to destroy, or it could be something you weren’t intending on destroying.

4 WIND: This card, like the zephyr in the Two of Pentacles, represents the external environment that affects the situation. This card will show if it is beneficial or not. It will show if it is changing or remaining stable.


Thank you, this looks to be promising.