Kundalini Tarot


I recently created my first tarot deck called the Kundalini Tarot. It's an amalgamation of five years of artwork, rendered in black and white.

I'm actually thinking of creating a second edition of the deck, with new artwork and some radical changes to the style of it.

I'd love to hear what you think of it. It's currently available at adanawtn.com and The Game Crafter website.


Nice looking deck. What's the surface like? The website says you can use markers, do they go onto the surface without blobbing the color badly?


Your Tarot artwork is amazing and beautiful. I hope lots of people will become your fans!


Thank you!

I'm actually working on a new deck, of which I only have 23 more cards to draw. I'm hoping to launch it by the 1st of the year.

I'm pretty excited about the whole thing, and I'm kind of falling in love with the process.