

Horace said:
I received the Druidcraft Tarot yesterday as a gift. nice gift I agree but I don't know a thing about druidry and the giver knows nothing about tarot, After studying the Lady on the front of the box, I finally opened it and took out the book. I haven't opened the deck yet. I'm trying to explain just how new I am to this deck, so that you won't think the next question is so stupid...

How do you say the word...Fferyllt?

thank you for your help Hh

So it's not only me - thank the Gods.

And thank you, Miren. . .although I am still rolling that around on my tongue.;)


druidcraft tarot, fferryllt

Hi Everyone,
OK, here is another card, the card 14 fferryllt, or temperance in the deck. As I am still learning then It helps me to know what's on the card symbolically as I am blind. Any and all help can be appreciated - thanks in advance! I've only ahd this deck for about a couple of days now, but know allmost all the cards, except for a few.
All the best and bright blessings,
VeronicaP. S. I'd need someone to describe the card to me!


Description of the DruidCraft Fferyllt

A beautiful woman stands in her hut next to a huge ornate copper cauldron. Focused on what she is doing; she pours red liquid from a long vial into a short wide flask which contains some white liquid. She is holding it up in the air just above her head so she can see clearly the reaction of the two substances; a little bit of steam or smoke is rising from the flask.

She is in a hut type of structure with a large open doorway. One door post is visible, and is carved in a base-relief sort of fashion. At the top is a man’s face with a beard and mustache. Below him is a tear drop shape with a six-sided star; and below that a long squiggly snake with his mouth open to eat the teardrop. Leaning against the door post is her broom (besom).

Her long hair is loosely pulled back. She wears a blue dress with gold trim. Over one shoulder and tucked under that arm is a huge red wrap; it hangs all the way to the floor.

The book mentions that above her are “parchment manuscripts being stretched with witch-stones". It looks like hides of white fur that have symbols painted on the leather side. The witch-stones are rocks with a natural hole. They are tied to the hide to pull it down and keep it stretched.
Also hanging from the wooden rafters are some herbs. There is an ornamental face up there also that looks like it was made from metal.

The cauldron is red hot at the bottom and steam rises from the top. Through her doorway, way across the water, there is the view of a distant mound. Beyond that there is a rainbow in the sky.


interpretation of Fferryllt

Hi to all,
Well I'd say that this is about being able to focus on getting things together so that she can see the reaction ofothers and also see how she can look at things. It to me, seems like maybe she's having to try to have a foundation in spiritual growth as she's able to allow herself to move forward in her life. This card signifies to me, that os someone very focused on what they're doing. Things may have been set in stone, but I feel like she'll need to look at patterns. Also being able to have the resources of nature handy so that she can look beyond what she's doing seems like she can be very successful in her life.
All the best,

crazy raven

I'm just familiarizing myself with this deck and love this card. I liked what coyoteblack said about the number 5. :) When I look at the cards in respect to numerology, I look at the core number which is 14, before changing it to a singular number ie., 1 + 4 = 5. 14 is a karmic number.

So many people tend to panic when they hear Karmic. But in truth it just means that whatever you do, is going to require alot of focus, attention and effort.

I've read that Fferyllt means a chemist. Apparently the name came from the Roman poet Virgil (philosopher, scientist) who was seen as a magical figure in Medieval Europe. Others say Virgil is another word for Esoteric knowledge.

I think that Ceridwen's books were probably about alchemy or spiritual education....the ingredients were probably from the earth. Apparently Ceridwen wanted to create a potion of inspiration/wisdom for her son.

Alchmey involves the use of mirrors, images and reflections. So with alchemy, if we want to change something or someone in our lives, what we first need to do is step back and work at creating a positive change in ourselves. We may be a bit confused when the mirror reflects a few too many things....but working on one reflection at time can create amazing results.

From the book "....the Fferyllt were Druid alchemists who were said to live in the magical city of Dinas Affaraon, in the mountains of Snowdonia. Muc of the work of Druidcraft can be seen as an alchemical process of uniting and combining different elements of the self to achieve wholeness, illumination, and a release of our creative potential."

This card stresses the importance of balance and as Horace mentioned, I see this person as a healer, a naturopath or even a herbalist. From the cauldron the vapor rises creating a beautiful rainbow that rises high into the spiritual world...one color seems to glow much brighter than the rest...it is the color that harmonizes our present level of development. We are filled with awe as we experience this on a personal level.

I believe this card shows alot of activity and energy coming from the mind, the intellect and most importantly the imagination/intuition. The whole process may begin with something simple as a question, causing our higher mind to soar.


I drew this card in a daily draw to alert me to the need to temper my emotions that day-and unfortunately I did not heed the message.

I think a blending of the physical and spiritual forces in this card can produce something magical in our lives. It's a careful balancing act we must do to keep our spiritual aspirations within the confines of the physical world...at least it is for me, for others it may not be so. This card speaks to me as a delicate technique to be learned, walking a fine line between physical and spiritual and not teetering over the edge and being consumed by either one.

We have to really know our surroundings and how to use them to produce the best outcome and harm none, including ourselves. One false move and everything could "blow up" so to speak.

The overall beauty of this card is enchanting, mesmerizing, she is something I aspire to be. She makes the whole balancing act look effortless, as though it comes naturally to her. She doesn't appear to be very old so she hasn't had to take years to perfect her craft. She just knows. She sets an example for me, shows me what is possible, though I may never fully attain this balance- at least not to my own satisfaction.