Heirophant,both beast and priest

mystic mal

The first Christianity was thought to have come from Isis? The Mother was worshipped..I see THE EMPRESS as the Virgin Mary,THE HIGH PRIESTESS as Mary Magdelene,THE EMPEROR as the Roman ruler,THE HIEROPHANT as Jesus ,all the characters in the Major Arcarna are the "role players" until we get to THE WORLD without end


In regards to chiron, I found this interesting site that talks of centaurs and the Kuiper belt. It goes into great detail of Chiron and other important centaurs.


This is from page 6 of the 47 page document.

The etymology of centaur translates to, “those who round up bulls.” Thus, the Taurus-taming beings achieved a cowhand reputation for their exuberant party lifestyle complete with drunkenness, lechery and general uncontainable rowdiness, not necessarily in that order. Therewere, of course, exceptions. Chiron, Pholus, Asbolus and Chariklo stood out as exceptions worthy of emulation.

Generally though, centaurs are crazed cousins that you do not want coming to the family reunion. Surely they will drink too much, take physical liberties with everyone and certainly destroy the festivities.

It is interesting that centaurs appear at this time in our collective culture. Electronic and instantaneous communication methods presumably bond people better than ever before in the history of messages, telegrams and communiques. Yet, nuance and feeling remain imperceptible. Human bodies (and everything consisting of atoms on Earth - which would be everything)
receive unending and ever-increasing blasts of radiation from computers, cell phones, assorted electronics and who knows what secret behavior-modifying emanations from secret devices ofnefarious sources. A desensitizing effect results. Amazingly, in this techno age people seem emotionally and physically detached than ever. The centaurs ride in as the cavalry of consciousness.

Centaurs possess acute urge-based physical senses, the most potent of which was the olfactory sense. In fact, any centaur worth her/his horsepower could be intoxicated by the mere scent of wine. When this happened, all focus in life became that of physical gratification. Whether more
drink, food or sexual activity, nothing could stop the momentum for fulfillment. This does not suggest that centaurs represent society’s seemingly debased behavior and wayward side. On the contrary, centaurs arrive to restore the sense-ability of human (and probably all other) kind.
Reconnection with the five physical senses becomes imperative when the aura and energy field is constantly fractured by wayward electronic waves. Grounding works. Centaurs were sensualists.

The term sensualist bears no suggestion of sexuality. It simply implies that all God-given senses respond to environmental stimuli with maximum efficiency and with no minimization. Being able to hear distant thunder, smell rain or a wild animal in the woods, feeling grass on bare feet, all fall into this category. Suggestively, life on Earth, an undisputed physical plane, becomes more agreeable with the inclusion of favorable sensory data. People get grounded. Grounded people are less likely to create havoc.

Page 7 and on goes into great detail on the myth and birth of Chiron.


tink :love:

mystic mal

That was really great information there,thank you.My old brain cells couldnt take all those facts in so I would like to take you on a journey of the mind.Think of it as a story with no facts or data.

In the beginning there was the great dark void,the "womb" of the cosmos.One day through the Heavens came a comet,phallic shaped and spewing out shooting stars and it broke through the veil of the black hole and caused chaos within it,the very first cosmic inter-course.It pregnated the cosmic Virgin womb and brought life to it.After 9 months the great womb heavy with this new life inside it opened and with a big bang gave birth to the SUN. THe SUN/son of God.And God saw that it was good so he gave the planet EARTH the role of the Mother so Mother Earth could be in charge of nurturing,birthing and taking care of his SUN/SON.The spirit made flesh.THE FOOL was on his journey to experience life in his new fleshy human "spacesuit". The EMPRESS his Earthly mother (as above, so below")

mystic mal

chapter 2

On his journey through life he meets up with all the characters in the Major Arcarna who are his teachers of all human character.The HIEROPHANT is him in both aspects as both human and divine.When he at last completes his journey he leaves THE WORLD,THE HANGED MAN (the crucifixion) and is reunited with his heavenly father who says "SON/SUN you are a STAR, you will be the morning star VENUS and have your place in the Heavens and all who follow you will tread the path that you have and be reunited in the heavens as shining stars


what do you connect to the fool and magician?

mystic mal

THE FOOL is the holy spirit "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" Its the opportunity to reincarnate and experience another lesson on Earth. THE MAGICIAN is the spirit guide that leads you on roads where you are supposed to be.He/she is not always angelic as it represents the mind and can trick you into situations but its all part of the learning.The MAGICIAN also sends you dreams and makes strange coincidences happen like magic,always with you bringing the child within further up the road to grow in wisdom


you have a very interesting point of view, what else do you use for your interpretations?

mystic mal

I suppose you would call me a Christian mystic but I have no religion but a very strong spiritual belief in the Bible symbology. We are all creators whether it be creating a child,a work of art, a cake an atmosphere etc.I have had a near death experience and was incarnated as another person taking on a totally different life than I had before.I am fascinated by the "as above so below" thing linking the planets,the elements of earth, air,fire and water to everything that is. We can hold an acorn in our hand and say "This is the making of a grand Oak tree" and we can put a sperm in our hand and say "This is the making of all human life".It took the SUN/SON to give us life."And GOd made man in his own image so we are all as one with everything that is,the whole Universe is that acorn and everything that is is contained in it.


humm very well, i study astrology and I understant quite well what you're saying about the links and the "thing" as above, so below, cause it works that way in all things, and you can experience it in the Tarot as well

mystic mal

Yes it is all fascinating isnt it? Astrology is just as mind blowing as the Tarot,everything links to each other,the rune stones, chrystals etc,we can never get enough knowledge and insights eh? I see human completion as a bus depot....we all take different buses on different routes at different speeds but at the end of the day we are all heading to the same place.Good luck with your journey.