druid animal oracle


i get this oracle last year from my mother. a few weeks ago i began to read in the book and thried it but i don't know well to use them can someone help me. i don't know much about oracles and tarot but i'm very interested. (i don't know if my english is very good so i hope you all can understand don't shoot me for the grammarfaults)

i look to the different decks in this site and i like the new palladini very muck is it worth to buy it. have some of you more information about it?


with love rostie


if this animal deck is by matthews, then it is the same as mine, and i also got mine from my mother! i don't read them in a traditional druid spread, but they are lovely meditation cards. isn't the art work on them beautiful??

to get to "know" these cards, you may like to just pick a card each day and work with it - read in the book about the card, keep a journal and write your initial thoughts and feelings about the card. perhaps meditate on it and also record this.

a three card spread representing whatever you like is a good way to read them. i find that they lose their meaning when you do a large spread.

read them for your friends if you like - that's always fun!

good luck and let us know how you get on




welcome to the forum!!!

i haven't used the cards you are inquiring about but i can tell you that your english seems great to me!

many people here have english as their second language so don't worry, you'll fit in just great.

love and light,


Merry Meet and Welcome,

I also got the druid animal oracle and slinky jo has already told you all what I would have told you, too, so I just give you an intuitive approach:

Just try to identify how y o u would feel if you were the animal depicted on the card you drew. Maybe you like one animal more than another, so just ask yourself why.

B/w I can also compliment you on your English. I am no native English speaker myself and I also felt pretty shy with my first postings but there is no need to be afraid of making faults.


thank you very much for your answers they will be a great help to me!

i love animals a lot so it have to work out.
the only problem is that it's sometimes difficult to concentrate. in the week i'm in the city where i study and it don't always fit as my own place so it's not so easy when i don't have a real place of my own. and in the weekends my parents and especcialy my cat smirre are so happy to see me back that i don't have much time. but i will make time and maybe it works. i will tell you all what my result are in a few weeks or months!

thanks a lot,

with love rostie