The Book of The Law Study Group 3.67


Although there is an almost obvious reference to Keter, there is also a sense of duality. 67 is both Binah and Zain, connected to the Lovers. It is also "debased" (זלל) which could be stretched to loss of self to the All. The "fourth" ordeal could be of the four letters of the Tetragrammaton, gaining an understanding of the four worlds. The two words "ultimate" and "intimate" suggest a sort of relationship between the inner and outer worlds.

67*3=Light, another Keter reference perhaps.

Now, 67*3^4=5427, corresponding to the Hebrew calendar year of 1666 by the Gregorian one. In that year there was the Great Fire of London, and Issac Newton split light into a prism, as well as the 666 reference.

Just some free association...


Intimate fire suggests to me an internal energy ... in western tantra (and especially with Crowley) this depends on a singular (within the self) or in 'partnership' with another (magician, priest, priestess, deity, etc.) circulation and awakening of 'kundalini' energy or fire serpent.

After circulation comes condensation ... a type of 'fountain technique' where the 'dew' 'rains' 'down' (or up ? - considering circulation) and is reabsorbed.

That also seems like 'sparks of intimate fire'.

[Just some free associations as well :) ]


Like ravenest 'intimate fire' makes me think of things internal, and in the context of the BoL I'd think of Hadit being the spark within, getting intimate all over the place with Nuit (the sparks without?).

Whenver verses like this come up I also think of the Taoist and Chinese Medicine ideas of the Heart as the Emperor of the body, the deep fire organ, paired with the Kidney, which is water but also the root of fire.

'Fire' also reminds me of the Aeon card which is attributed to fire, and similarly the Tower related to fiery mars. Sparks of intimate fire particularly remind me of the Tower and leads me back to sexual alchemy as with the previous verse. The pattern:

seems a repetition of alternations between yin and yang energies. Perhaps it could be related also to
connecting to Closrapexa's thoughts on the tetragrammaton.


The word 'ultimate' suggests that there is nothing (Ain) beyond this. It is the final article. While the word 'intimate' suggests things internal, private, and secret. Maybe at this level the book is a key to ones own innermost nature or Truth. Also there is probably a sexual union of opposites implied here.

As closrapexa has already pointed out III x 67 = 201.
AR: to burn; to be or become bright; to light, to kindle; to lighten; to quicken or revive; to cheer; to enlighten (the mind).

Verse 212. There are a few gematria 'hits' for this number. But I like ChDR in relation to the word 'intimate'.
ChDR: to surround, enclose; to beset; an enclosure, room, chamber; a bedroom; a bride chamber; a storeroom; recesses, inmost parts.

The chapter and verse rendered as a number, 367.
AIShVN: pupil of the eye; the midst, the heart, center; darkness.
The last one is a bit of a stretch, but the eyes are the window to the soul.
Light enters through the eyes - direct perception in this verse? Not through a medium as in verse 66, or reflected as in verses 64 & 65.

Always Wondering

The chapter and verse rendered as a number, 367.
AIShVN: pupil of the eye; the midst, the heart, center; darkness.

This is helpful, because my head keeps wanting to go to Yod for no good reason. The sparkle in the eye of the Hermit? Lol, talk about stretching.


This is helpful, because my head keeps wanting to go to Yod for no good reason.
Or maybe your head has a good reason. Yod is a flame and is attributed to Fire in the tetragrammaton. Go with it. ;)

Always Wondering

Can you hear me thinking, and not thinking? :laugh: And reading . . .

I have IX and XXI side by side, allowing it to sink in some, because AIShVN reminds me so much of Tav. I am in a rare stage where things seem very simple, and trying to complicate them up doesn't work.