ten of pentacles + ten of wands reversed= the end


I did a spread asking about a friends relationship. It was a 15 card six month spread. The cards for month 6 were the ten of pents reversed and the 10 of wands reversed. The quint card (excluding courts) was the wheel of fortune. For this spread I used to rider waite deck.

I know tens represent endings

so in the 10 of pents you see a happy family with dogs and they seem to be dancing or something. Reversed I interpreted that as its all slipping away.

the ten of wands reversed I interpreted as a time when the person finally gives up. The relationship was previously a burden that was carried and now one or both partners finally decides to set down the burden and walk away.

so I take this to mean the relationship is coming to an end

I will also throw in the two previous months just to help everyone understand why I came to this conclusion

the cards for the 4th month are:
page of cups reversed signifies a time where there is a lack of communication. Possibly a breakdown. Childish arguments etc.
the 8 of wands reversed swift negative changes and I read it as negative because of the opposing elements of fire and water.

the 5th month is
the king of cups and this the card that actually represents my friends partner. he is a cancer man and his personality traits are very much the KOC.

the three of swords reversed to me this represents a time of emotional healing. But as the heart heals is this a relationship they would still want to carry on?

Seeing that I feel the wheel of fortune represents things going around and around in circles. There has been breakups in the past, ugly words, love triangles etc. Would you guys say my interpretation is accurate?

Any input on my interpretation would be pretty helpful

Thank you


I agree with you. If they dont break up the ten of pentacles reversed warns of financial troubles that are devasting to the relationship. The ten of wands reversed that they are together but barely and it feels like a burden. Perhaps they ignore each other.


I agree with you. If they dont break up the ten of pentacles reversed warns of financial troubles that are devasting to the relationship. The ten of wands reversed that they are together but barely and it feels like a burden. Perhaps they ignore each other.

I agree. Except finances are what is keeping them together right now. So maybe the current financial prosperity changes and alters the relationship. Ignoring each other they do a lot of that now. A combination of ignoring and pretending there is nothing wrong.