March 2015 Oracle Study: Oracle of Visions


Sorry I am getting started a bit late this month. I can sponsor the next set of ten, Dragonfae. I have this deck and really enjoy it. Although it's an oracle deck, I think Ciro's background with Tarot and its symbolism flows over and makes this an easy deck for those of us with more of a background in tarot to transition to.


Moving into my new house has been a bit of a struggle to get back up to speed with all my extra stuff. I am still working with my ten cards and typing up the findings but I still don't have Internet in my house. Hopefully by the end of the week and then I will be posting my findings.

It has been a good month. I like the deck but it is not as easily assessable as I had hoped and the is I guess one reason I have been slow to use it.

I really need to get a chance to use it for readings. Then I would know how well i t really works for me. Still love the art work and all the work that has gone into creating the deck.n



I've had an epic fail at posting my cards but even though the month is at an end I will do my group... :)

I started writing a novel and most of my writing time is being consumed with that,

However I'll still be here....once life settles down a bit. :)