If you feel the need to ask the tarot...


if he *loves* you or if he misses you, then the answer is NO.

When a man loves you, trust me you know it without ever feeling the need to ask the tarot or another oracle. If someone truly misses you, he calls you. --You really do not *need* a man who can not/will not/do not call you despite he misses you since there is nothing good he can offer to you.--

When we are crazy in love with someone we want to go for even the smallest chance, despite we somehow know or feel it (the reality) for whatever it is. Don't do it ladies, don't make yourself miserable. (Of course the same situation may go for men, but as far as I can see, %95 of the time it's women who falls into this trap.) You deserve something/someone better!

The hardest thing for me as a fortune teller has always been to talk the right way and tell the truth -as I see it- to a woman involving this very question.

No ladies, you don't need me, you don't need the tarot if you wonder if he loves you or if he is going to return.

I am not underestimating anyone's knowledge here, and neither do I underestimate the tarot, how can I, or who am I (to do so)... I just want to wake you up to the truth *you* already know but are not (yet) ready to admit to yourself.

Let him go,

for the good of all.

Bless you,



IMHO -you could make the same argument about ANY question that you can ask the Tarot.

I think your statement is an over-simplification, and I daresay - just a little naïve.

Just my two cents ...


IMHO -you could make the same argument about ANY question that you can ask the Tarot.

I think your statement is an over-simplification, and I daresay - just a little naïve.

Just my two cents ...

I see your point, but that's not *any* question, but a one which keeps many minds busy.

Sometimes taking just a simple approach is the best, and I think it applies here.


A couple of comments. This is a public discussion forum and members are welcome to provide their points of view but must accept that not all have that same point of view. The other is that the threads in the tarot section must relate to tarot.


Laura Borealis

if he *loves* you or if he misses you, then the answer is NO.

When a man loves you, trust me you know it without ever feeling the need to ask the tarot or another oracle.

I just don't think this is true. All too often, people DON'T know. Especially when they're young and inexperienced, and don't know what the many forms of caring look like. Or when their upbringing or early experiences with love have made them insecure.

Humans are tremendously complicated and we are all different. How one person demonstrates love is very different from another. Showing emotion can be very difficult for some people. And someone can act out every appearance of love yet only be in it for sex, or security, or even just the idea of being in love.

Love is confusing. It is deceptive. It's the subject of countless songs, stories, Shakespeare plays, Hollywood movies, hopes and prayers, rituals performed by teenage girls before mirrors in the dark. We are told over and over how incredibly important it is to be in love, to have someone be in love with you, but what does love really look like? How do we recognize it? Is it real?

Hence the endless questions asked of tarot. Does he love me? In some ways it seems he does, in other ways it doesn't - can tarot help me figure out what is true? Whether you think tarot is an oracle of truth, or a tool for self-reflection, it seems inevitable that wondering people will turn to it to try to solve their questions about love. And I think they deserve a little respect and compassion.


I respect everbody's opinion. Indeed there is no "right" or "wrong" here. One must choose what best resonates with his/her heart.

Dear @Laura Borealis: I have to disagree if you think my attitude is "disrespectful" or "uncompassionate". On the contrary, I believe that's what people do to themselves (in context of the question here) and I say, just don't do this. Your words on love are so good, and I say, just LOVE YOURSELF, first.


Mystica7, you're going to find that probably 80% of the readings that people ask for help with on this forum are of the type you're talking about. I don't get involved with them because I think they're more "mind reading" than "card reading," but nonetheless it preoccupies the attention of a large swath of our (mostly younger) population. The fact that they will most likely wind up just making themselves feel better about something the cards are ill-equipped to advise them on (I call them "thinks/feels" questions) doesn't discourage them from asking. Many people here think ANY question is fair game, whether it delivers a productive answer or not. I've been doing this stuff for 40+ years now and take a narrower view of it, but I think I'm in the minority.


Mystica7, you're going to find that probably 80% of the readings that people ask for help with on this forum are of the type you're talking about. I don't get involved with them because I think they're more "mind reading" than "card reading," but nonetheless it preoccupies the attention of a large swath of our (mostly younger) population. The fact that they will most likely wind up just making themselves feel better about something the cards are ill-equipped to advise them on (I call them "thinks/feels" questions) doesn't discourage them from asking. Many people here think ANY question is fair game, whether it delivers a productive answer or not. I've been doing this stuff for 40+ years now and take a narrower view of it, but I think I'm in the minority.

Spot on. You understand my point. I've been there done that too, I've been the %80. And (but) now I think I'm in the minority as well.

I want to help.

This forum has helped me, I learned a lot from many different interpretations/opinions, and now it's time to share my own 2 cents.

Le Fanu

Can I just add - I read mostly for myself and I don't think I have, or would ever, ask the cards that old "does he love me?" chestnut.

I find myself thinking that for a subject like that, I really would just know. I am very conscious, regarding my own relationships, that this is not a question I would ask the cards. I'm not sure whether I am agreeing with Mystica. There are some comments I don't agree with, but speaking for myself, there's an inner gut reaction that tells me I don't need the cards for that. Maybe one day I will. Plus others are free to ask whatever they want. Plus I'm male and I associate that "does he love me?" type question with female querents. Generalising, I know.

I am reluctant to say it but I feel that love and relationships are way too serious to let it hinge on a card reading and possibly make a wrong decision which could have been avoided. Of course I know they're the most serious thing to ask about for some, but for me, I prefer to make decisions based on what I see in life. Plus I'm in a relationship anyway and when there are hiccups, I don't ask the cards. I'd rather talk..

Am I discrediting tarot? Perhaps. I read about work. Is that serious enough? or just that nebulous thing called the "future"...

But in a nutshell, I read for myself and I wouldn't ask that question. I do readings for others who are asking that questions and in many times it's obvious to me that they are deluding themselves, but of course I don't say anything...


From business standpoint, I think a lot of clientele ask that question, so if you decide Not to read on that, it's going to cut your earnings down.

I think without cards, the chances are 50/50 prince or princess charming returns. The fact is people DO reconcile with their exes. I've had it happen to me twice.

I don't read for money but I'd rather give some validation or better understood odds either way with my cards to help them come to terms or keep up hope.