Prediction doesn't come true: Card or reader error?


Readers, if you predict that some event will happen, and it doesn't, do you tell the sitter the reason for this is "the universe changed things and that's why it didn't come to be"?

I recently had a reader give me this explanation, after two different GTs over 6months predicted the same event would come to pass, yet a week after the latest GT, her tarot cards came up with strange and negative cards in a celtic cross. The cards all related to money and a new business...nothing relating to feelings or a resurrection of the situation. The reader was taken aback. Finally, she changed her stance from events happening unexpectedly to saying it's probably about some unfortunate career issue in the other person's life that needs to happen before he contacts me.

I personally agree with this train of thought rather than the "universe changed things the cards didn't know" explanation.

I believe my cards show what events will occur and it's my bad if I don't interpret the messages correctly. And sometimes i make mistakes. Also, the universe doesn't run on Gregorian calendar standards. Even if a reading should go 3 months, you never know. My celtic crosses usually proceed pretty quick, but I've seen my readings come to be 6 months later. When someone asks me about something that hasn't happened in their last reading, I go back to my journal and check the reading and work out the error of interpretation or realize with the sitter the situation in fact DID happen. Or sometimes, the event just hasn't happened yet.

I'd appreciate any input.


99% of the people here will tell you that the cards don't make an error; it has to be the card's interpretation.

IMHO - Tarot is a fluid concept - that is whatever the cards tell you is NEVER written in stone - even if every reader on the block gives you the same answer to your question. Since 'time' is of human manufacture, the future and our interpretation of 'future time' may not be in the timeframe.

To answer your question: just because a 'timed' prediction didn't come true or through at the exact moment it was predicted does NOT mean it will never, ever happen at all. Since the entire population of the world (and beyond) is making conscious and unconscious decisions by the 100s every second - and they all interact with each other - and they all affect each other - it is quite possible the time and place have been misread or have changed.

Just my two cents ...


Well put! I believe the cards spoke to a secondary issue and still do. That's what I would say if cards came up like that for a client of mine. And it's happened.

I have full faith in this readers skills, but think she got thrown off by the money and career disappointment in the reading. Thank you :)
99% of the people here will tell you that the cards don't make an error; it has to be the card's interpretation.

IMHO - Tarot is a fluid concept - that is whatever the cards tell you is NEVER written in stone - even if every reader on the block gives you the same answer to your question. Since 'time' is of human manufacture, the future and our interpretation of 'future time' may not be in the timeframe.

To answer your question: just because a 'timed' prediction didn't come true or through at the exact moment it was predicted does NOT mean it will never, ever happen at all. Since the entire population of the world (and beyond) is making conscious and unconscious decisions by the 100s every second - and they all interact with each other - and they all affect each other - it is quite possible the time and place have been misread or have changed.

Just my two cents ...


Readers, if you predict that some event will happen, and it doesn't, do you tell the sitter the reason for this is "the universe changed things and that's why it didn't come to be"?

Cards don't predict hard-and-fast events. We are not the creatures of pre-ordained destiny - we have free will.


It is up to us, after a reading, to make the post of anything positive shown in that reading by doing the real-world work, and it is up to us to avoid anything negative shown in that reading by doing the real-world work.

Cards are about empowerment and helping you with your decision-making. Anyone who thinks otherwise will end up having a very sad life.

Placebo Scotsman

"Prediction doesn't come true: Card or reader error?"


The future didn't get it right

It does that a lot, I've noticed

I suppose that is a consequence of getting old

BTW I regard whatever intelligences that are working through the tarot as just being a bit wiser and better informed than we are. They are not omniscient and attributing such to them burdens them with unfair expectations.

But that's just me

Holly doll

Cards don't predict hard-and-fast events. We are not the creatures of pre-ordained destiny - we have free will.


It is up to us, after a reading, to make the post of anything positive shown in that reading by doing the real-world work, and it is up to us to avoid anything negative shown in that reading by doing the real-world work.

Cards are about empowerment and helping you with your decision-making. Anyone who thinks otherwise will end up having a very sad life.

I'm in total agreement here. :) I've also seen clients who deliberately or unconsciously sabotage - they usually aren't ready for any changes that may take place, due to them doing any work necessary for their growth.


The future wasnt right ? ...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (excuse me ... I will return when I am recovered ) :laugh: :laugh:


Very interesting feedback.

Nisaba, just to clarify...What I'm talking about is when you mention an event that doesn't happen...not that the sitter doesn't take your advice on how to handle the event. For example, if I see in my cards that fights at home with dad are coming up, I'd tell the sitter the surrounding cards are encouraging the sitter to be the bigger person/stay out of things/be mediator/etc... It's up to sitter to solve the crisis...But in this post, I'm talking about when the arguments/tension predicted never come to pass.

As a card reader, I believe there is an element of integrity to what I do, just as in any profession that assists the public and works on a professional-client relationship of trust. I need to take accountability when things don't come to pass that I've predicted. In my case, I look in my journal (and like a doofus) realize I've either misinterpreted the cards or client and I realize an event DID occur that matches up. If clients start finding predictions don't come to pass, trust breaks down and clients don't return.

But where does the ethical line need to be drawn?
When does telling someone "If any of my predictions don't come to pass, it's the universe stepping in to change things. Not my predictions being wrong" turn out to be unethical and a scam?


neither. one word "choice".

all the readings i read for myself or someone read for me didn't come true 99%. the most memorable was someone reading about me that i won't finish 6th grade and will have kids at the age of 12. i'm 28. i graduated college. childless.

i take all readings with a grain of salt. i'd rather have readings to guide me or to warn me so i could make plans rather than actually predicting what's going to happen.


The images used in tarot are a lot like the Rorschach inkblot test. The readers see what they think they see, the querents see what they hope to see but the images are just pictures that paint one or sometimes, several possibilities "IF nothing is done to change it."

I think the tarot is accurate because they reflect the dynamic interaction between energies that surround the querent at the time readings are done but I don't think readings can really do justice to what the cards tell us because we have a lot of preconceived notions that interfere with "what is" vs "what we think is". Psyhic noise can sometimes distort the message that was otherwise accurate.