Prediction doesn't come true: Card or reader error?


[ However I do know of a way to make the broken letterbox prediction come true }) ]

<grin> Cross my heart, I'm not you, so I didn't do that. And I didn't choose the house for that reason - I hardly even noticed the letterbox. I chose it for its proximity to the school my daughter was going to, the fact that it was vacant and up for lease at the time, the fact that it had an adequate number of bedrooms, and the fact that the rent was affordable.


I think that sometime, the tarot does not know about the situation then dooesn't give the clear prediction
But this case is not usually happen because if your tarot dont know any for sure, it shuold say it not sure, not give a statement ( at least my tarot did it to me :) )
Another case is the reader interpration wrong meaning. It quote missinderstanding between reader and tarot could improve by practice and create the link between reader and tarot
Final case is when you know the future but you act different will cause the different future therefore the future in prediction wont happen.


now my eyes AND BRAIN hurt ...


now my eyes AND BRAIN hurt ...

Chill out with a bit of AC. :)

Aleister Crowley said:
It is pertinent to mention in this connection that one must not expect absolute information as to what is going to happen. "Fortune-telling" is an abuse of divination. At the utmost one can only ascertain what may reasonably be expected. The proper function of the process is to guide one's judgment. Diagnosis is fairly reliable; advice may be trusted, generally speaking; but prognosis should always be cautious. The essence of the business is the consultation of specialists.


Thanks for the 'brain tonic' ;)

"The proper function of the process is to guide one's judgment."


Of course that might require having some type of system of guidance and philosophy / ethics etc. within the deck ... or person.


Thanks for the 'brain tonic' ;)

"The proper function of the process is to guide one's judgment."


Of course that might require having some type of system of guidance and philosophy / ethics etc. within the deck ... or person.
The AC quote describes the usual approach to Yi Jing divination. The advantage of Yi Jing is that the underlying philosophy is conveniently provided by the textual material pertaining to each hexagram. The link is to a brief essay on how the process works.


There's always that old example "You will be run over by a bus tomorrow" - which can clearly be avoided by not leaving the house. What effect doing THAT will have is anyone's guess.

Well, if you don't live right on the bus route, it's unlikely that the bus's brakes will fail and it will crash through the front wall of your house.

Perhaps some psychotic gunman will hijack a bus, and drive it wildly through the back-streets until he loses control and smashes through the front wall of your house.

<sarcasm toggled on> Heaven forbid that you might actually *listen* to the reader and take positive steps to make your future better (and thus different) to what was predicted! No, it WILL happen, or the reader has failed you. <sarcasm toggled off>


If you expect a prediction from the Tarot - advice is not what you are looking for. But that is what bugs me about predictive readings, as a rule - get a reading, know what's going to happen and make no effort.

"Oh shit, my husband IS going to leave me. May as well empty the bank account..."
"Damn, my daughter WILL marry that drug dealer. Best hide my jewellery."
"Oh so I won't get a promotion. No point making any effort at work then."

Instead of "My husband might LEAVE ? What can I change to stop this happening ?!"
""Damn my daughter might actually tie the knot ? OK - time to go to the cops with the evidence."
""I might not make it ? I must find a better way to show them I'd be best for the job."

I would rather run with option 2 !


A predictive reading is probabilistic, not certain. It is impossible for it to be otherwise, unless one believes in an extreme form of Calvinism, in which all events are predetermined.


Readers, if you predict that some event will happen, and it doesn't, do you tell the sitter the reason for this is "the universe changed things and that's why it didn't come to be"?

I recently had a reader give me this explanation, after two different GTs over 6months predicted the same event would come to pass, yet a week after the latest GT, her tarot cards came up with strange and negative cards in a celtic cross. The cards all related to money and a new business...nothing relating to feelings or a resurrection of the situation. The reader was taken aback. Finally, she changed her stance from events happening unexpectedly to saying it's probably about some unfortunate career issue in the other person's life that needs to happen before he contacts me.

I personally agree with this train of thought rather than the "universe changed things the cards didn't know" explanation.

I believe my cards show what events will occur and it's my bad if I don't interpret the messages correctly. And sometimes i make mistakes. Also, the universe doesn't run on Gregorian calendar standards. Even if a reading should go 3 months, you never know. My celtic crosses usually proceed pretty quick, but I've seen my readings come to be 6 months later. When someone asks me about something that hasn't happened in their last reading, I go back to my journal and check the reading and work out the error of interpretation or realize with the sitter the situation in fact DID happen. Or sometimes, the event just hasn't happened yet.

I'd appreciate any input.

I'm in an altered state when I am reading, so what I say generally will happen. Time is a difficult thing to predict as well. When someone comes to me and says that I wasn't correct, I just say that maybe they should wait. I don't ever go back to analyze cards when I'm reading for someone else. I don't write them down either. I tell the person they can record it or write it down themselves. I read on a psychic level, so each card means something different for each person.

10 years ago a colleague of mine wanted to know the sex of her baby. I told her she would have a girl. She got an ultrasound a few weeks later and told me that it would be a boy. Guess what? The ultrasound was wrong and she ended up with a girl.

I don't rely exclusively on the cards either. I think it maybe dangerous to rely on the "meanings" of each card as written by other people. There are infinite possibilities.

And of course there are always readings that are off! I generally like to think I have an 80% accuracy rate.