Upright wands with Wheel of Fortune rx as outcome


Hello from a first time poster and tarot newbie. [emoji4]

I'm practising three card spreads relating to my situations/queries, most of which are making some sense. Long story short, due to a potential restructure in work I may lose my job so naturally I'm setting wheels in motion. (Wheel is appropriate here.)

With Page of Wands for my situation and 3 of Wands for action I was feeling positive that I'm doing the right things. Looking for opportunities but not being too impulsive, embracing potential change and looking at possible endings as opening up opportunities beyond the here and now.

Then comes Wheel of Fortune rx almost contradicting the embracing change bit, am I right? Or is it a case that my efforts are in vain due to the reversal with negative forces beyond my control?

I've also encountered various negative cards such as 3 of Swords, 10 of Swords, Death and Tower with similar questions, but Pages have always shown too. Bringers of news that is bad, perhaps? [emoji46]

Apologies for waffle but would be grateful for the benefit of your experience. Thanks!


Hi LadySnowLeopard,

To me the down-turning wheel just means what you said, that because of restructuring you MAY lose your job. The cards might just remind you not to live in the outer rim of changing circumstances that always move from good-to-bad and from bad-to-good. Rather focus on the hub of your values and abilities and identity.

To see the future is to change the future, as Philip K. Dick said, so to me not even the Wheel of Fortune speaks of events set in stone!

I think you are right that the Page of Wands could be this news that fires up these new thoughts and questions.

The Three of Wands as action might mean looking for other opportunities or cultivating new vision. ???


Wheel rx often heralds a change of circumstances for the worst unfortunately so it may not be good news with regards your career in the page. That said you also have or will have an idea about what you'd like to do around career in the page and that may involve travel in the 3W. It seems the negative set of circumstances are birthing growth and expansion ultimately in the career department.


Thank you both for replying. Forewarned is forearmed. I'm monitoring the situation and will pay heed to what the cards say.