Which is your favorite RWS style card? Why?


I'm partial to 3C and 4W. Party scenes are always a welcome addition to any reading.


Which Is Your Favorite RWS Card?

Sharp observations, Vetch. I went back and revised my earlier post, to get at the moods and tones of the High Priestess and the Magician more accurately. Still, they need each other to complete each other, and we need their very different strengths - both blended- to help us on our way. Maybe it's more lunar and solar than inside and outside... (See my quote 33 for what I'm trying to get at, although it's not all that enlightening!) Thanks for your views.

The Highpriestess.
It actually took me some time to realize that she's not in an enclosed space, but that the sea's right behind her.
And though she looks like a nun there are yoni and lingam symbols on the backdrop.

The Lovers.
The man (among other intepretations: left brain) looks upon the woman (a.o.i.: right brain) and she looks up to the Higher Self (or whatever you want to call it).

The Magician.
My teacher told me that the troubadoures of the middle ages said the Goddess' beauty was as "the rose standing by the lilly". (So wie die Rose bei der Lilie steht.)

There are more - but I'll restrain myself from listing almost the whole deck here... :)[/QUOTE]


isn't The Highpriestess looking like some of the Frida Khalo's paints?
And with your extra blue is like the mexican painter in her "Casa Azul"(blue house), of course there aren't the monkey and the parrot there, but i feel the connection with talen and pain, potential and discapacity, the ability and the paralysis...
what a beatiful card, yes!


Frank Hall: Thank you; I feel I must add: none of those observations were originally made by me. I just got a good memory. :)


the Moon has always appealed to me - it looks so peaceful and lovely.

I'm also partial to the High Priestess. I hadn't realized that she was sitting in front of the sea before I read this thread - I had always assumed she was in a blue room. how cool! I like being near the ocean, so this makes me like the card even more.


I like The Empress, especially on the Universal Waite deck.

diane drizzy

I've always liked the 2 of Swords. The colors are soothing to me and I like an evening sky with the ocean. I also like the need to make a decision about things!

Oddly enough I also like the 9 of Swords. I want that quilt!! The card is not threatening to me either since she wakes up from her nightmare and it's just a dream.


6 of swords. Tarot of Dreams


Call me crazy #2

My soul card is The Fool, and my heart card is the Emperor...And it's true that I feel like both at times! Both are good.

But, I have to say my favorite is 5 of Cups...I swear I'm going to have it tatooed on me somewhere, someday! This card always comes up, and each time I feel a little bit different towards it. I used to loath it, now I embrace it. I need to be reminded nearly every day that I still have two cups left.


My two favorites are the Page of Cups and the Three of Wands.

I just love that cute little boy,he always brings me the warm fuzzies. I also like to see that I get to sit back and wait for something to happen,staring off of that cliff...;)